Can't forget you -Fluff

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Toni forgets their anniversary 😬
•Before they move in together

This is a long chapter, but I think you'll love it, sorry in advance.
2469 words

Cheryl woke up to her alarm. Normally she'd be annoyed to wake up so early but couldn't help but to be excited when she saw the date. It was her and Toni's anniversary! It had officially been 1 year since they'd made their relationship official. Anniversaries were very special to her. Since everyone in her life left her it was nice to know someone who wasn't forced stayed with her out of love. She'd already planned the day out, it started with her getting ready.

She brushed her teeth, took a shower, picked out an outfit, brushed her hair, sprayed her perfume and did her make up. She knew Toni would have texted her by now. She checked her phone. No messages from Toni but her group chat with Betty, Veronica and Kevin was blowing up.

Cheryl's POV

Bad bitches 😜
Betty: Good morning everybody
Veronica: hey Betty
Betty: Prepare for Cheryl to ignore you all day, it's her and Toni's anniversary.
Betty: It's been a whole year congrats Cheryl ❤️
Veronica: I bet Toni's going to go all out. Better than what Archie did.
Cheryl: What did he do?

Veronica: Fucking nothing 🙄

Betty: I never did like him 😳

Veronica: Acting like I didn't see that... I am very happy for you tho Cheryl I'm happy you're happy and with someone that makes you happy. You deserve to be happy.

Kevin: could have sworn I had a stroke reading that. 😍

Cheryl: Thank you guys... Toni hasn't even texted me yet so...

Betty: Aww don't worry I'm sure she's just slept in.

"I hope so" she thought
Kevin: I'll see you baddies at school later ✌️

Veronica: ✌️

Betty: see y'all

Cheryl turned her phone off and headed downstairs she grabbed a banana and warmed up a croissant.

*Incoming call*

She answered immediately.
"Good morning baby girl." Toni said "Good morning babe" "How'd you sleep" "I slept well although there-" "Shut up!" "Excuse me?!" "Not you babe hold on." Toni hung up.

What the hell?
She tried calling her back. No answer.
"You know what?" She was upset instead of waking up to a nice good morning text or even a nice call she got told to shut up. "Wow Archie isn't looking so bad right now" she thought.

She got into her red convertible and went to school.

Toni's POV:
It was a normal day I woke up later than usual. I didn't really want to get out of bed but I had school. I was getting up when I heard Fangs and Sweet pea play fighting outside of my trailer. I got up,brushed my teeth, got dressed and put on casual make up. I didn't feel like putting on an actual outfit so I put on a white crop top and white sweatpants. I decided to call Cheryl before I left. The conversation had just started and I walked out of my trailer. Sweet pea and fangs were being really loud for no reason. I yelled at them to shut up and soon after hung up on Cheryl.
"Will you two idiots be quiet, it's like 7 in the morning no one wants to hear that."
"Don't be such a buzzkill tiny" fangs said
"Whatever." I said and walked away. I got on my bike and went to school.

When I got there I saw Cheryl getting out of her car I pulled up next to her and parked.

"Hey baby"
She responded
We hugged and my hands went down to her ass.
"Toni stop"
"Are you mad at me?"
I pouted.
"I don't know, kind of?"
"So yes, ok... why?"
"That wasn't the most pleasant greeting on the phone TT"
"Oh Cheryl Fangs and Sweetpea were fighting outside of my trailer and being loud I told them to shut up not you."
She said plainly
"Can we not do this today?"
"Sure Toni, let's not do this today."
She said and walked away.
I followed after her.

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