Captain Crunch - Fluff

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Toni Topaz was in desperate need of her sugary treasure, she turns to the red headed knight in shining armor to get her precious cereal away from the tall beast. In the process deeming the knight worthy of her hand in marriage.

Toni POV:

I walked through the isles of the supermarket, crossing items off my list as I put them in my cart.

I went into the cereal isle, I grabbed some Cinnamon Toast Crunch and lucky charms while looking for Captain Crunch. I saw it on the very top shelf but couldn't reach it. I looked to my left and saw a redhead muttering something to herself.

"Uh, Excuse me, ma'am?" I got her attention, a little embarrassed because of what I was about to ask

"Yes?" She asked politely, now she was facing me and... hot damn. She is gorgeous. She wore gold jewelry with red leggings and a matching crop top with white running shoes.

"Uh hi, sorry, could you grab me the Captain Crunch up there?" I asked nervously, pointing at the box I wanted.

"Oh yeah, no problem" She got on her tip toes and reached for the large box of my favorite cereal.

"Here you go" she said handing it to me.

"Thanks so much, sorry to bother you" I walked back to the other end of the aisle when I heard her soft voice again.

"Uh excuse me, ma'am?"  I turned around to see the woman limping over to me.

"Yeah?" I asked walking back over to her

"Can you grab me those Resee's off the bottom shelf?"

"Oh I get it, because I'm short haha" I fake laughed

"No! I just went on a run and I hurt my knee and can't really bend down..."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Here" I handed her the box and watched as she put it in her cart full of healthy foods. The cereal didn't go with the rest of it at all.

"Thank you so much... uh what's your name?" She asked

"Toni" I informed her

"Thank you Toni, I'm Cheryl... hope you have a great day." She said, limping back to her cart.

"Wait! You wouldn't happen to need anymore help would you? You know, getting things off of bottom shelves." I asked, already desperate to spend time with her, admire her beauty, and get to know this gorgeous red head.

"Uhh... yeah that'd be nice actually. I only have a few things left on my list but if you have time, I'd really appreciate it."

"I've got plenty of time, don't worry." I followed her to the next couple of isles. Picking up more healthy items alongside my not so healthy foods.

As we walked to the check out lane together, flirting with each other, I decided to shoot my shot, it was now or never.

"Hey Cher?"

"Yeah?" She asked in her bubbly voice.

"I hope you're gay because if not my gaydar is really broken but... will you go on a date with me?"

Third POV

"And sure enough that date turned into hundreds more, small dates that turned out to be the best memories I have. All thanks to fate, I mean, what are the odds you meet the love of your life in a grocery store because she can't reach the top shelf?" Cheryl joked, receiving laughs from the crowd at the wedding of her and Antoinette Topaz-Blossom.

"- It's funny though, I uh... I never hurt my knee. I just said that to see her face one more time. And I guess it worked because I get to see her beauty until the day I die. I love you, Toni, and I will continue to love you until death do us part." Cheryl finished her speech with a sniffle and a smile as she walked back to her wife, careful not to trip on her beautiful, white and gold wedding dress.

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