She's a switch!(Toni)- Smut

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Somehow I got on kinktok (don't ask) and saw a video about pegging so that's what this is... skip if you want. I- I'm scared to write this. Ok yeah.

-Intersex Toni
Toni was sat in their home office doing some work for her job. The deadline was nearing and she was starting to get stressed. Cheryl came into the office to bring her some water and a snack.
"I see you're still working"
"Uh y-yeah I am actually, thanks"
She said grabbing the water bottle not looking at her fiancée.
"At least look at me"
"Sorry Cher I've been busy"
"I know baby it's ok, but you need to relax a little. You'll think better with a clear mind"
She said going to straddle the girl, making sure her document had saved before turning off the computer.
"You're right, wanna watch a movie and cuddle?"
"I had other ideas in mind" She whispered in the girls ear sending shivers down her neck.
Toni grabbed her ass.
"Like what?"
"I was thinking.. you'd let me peg you again?"
Toni's face scrunched up in confusion.
"Really I.. didn't think you liked that?"
"No I liked it a lot, it was really hot, didn't you?"
Yes, of course I did"
"So, wanna do it?"
"You get ready in the bathroom and I'll get situated in the bedroom"

Toni just walked into their bedroom where she sees the red head wearing a bra and an underwear like harness with an average sized purple dildo at the end, her dick sprung up.
"Damn babe"
She was drooling over the girl.
"Ready baby?"
Toni quickly got on the bed on all fours with her ass in the air
"Someone's excited"
Cheryl teases
Toni sinks down, Cheryl notices
"Aww baby I'm sorry, I think this is really hot. I'm dripping down here"
She says crawling onto the bed. Toni perks herself back up.
Cheryl crawls under the girl and kisses her lips softly, Toni makes it a rough sloppy kiss taking Cheryl's lip with her.
"That's how you want it?"
Toni nods
Cheryl slides down to the girls cock.
"You're dripping TT"
Toni blushes
Cheryl kisses the girls cock before shoving the whole thing down her throat.
"Ugh oh fuck"
Cheryl gets up and goes behind the girl. Admiring her ass.
"Color" she says applying lube
"Green, but go slow"
Cheryl teases the girl's hole for a while.
"Please baby, green"
Toni begs
"Ok TT"
Cheryl slides the dildo into the girls hole.
"Uhh oh damn babe"
Cheryl bites her lip looking at the girl.
She thrusts her hips a bit harder
"Oh Yesss"
She pants
Toni is enjoying this so much and can't get enough.
"Faster Cher!"
The red head speeds up, Toni now backing up to meet her thrusts
Toni's arms begin to give out forcing her head into a pillow. It feels so good Toni begins to shake and soon collapses with the girl still inside of her. Cheryl flips her onto her back having one of Toni's legs on her shoulders and holding the other.
Toni's eyes are glued shut as Cheryl continues to fuck her hard.
"Ugh ah OH BABY"
Toni continues to moan out load. Although Cheryl isn't actually receiving pleasure herself she's really enjoying hearing and watching Toni. She starts to thrust deeper into the girl hitting her Prostate.
"FUCK YES AH CHERYL RIGHT THERE" Toni said starting to jerk herself off.
She moaned loudly followed by shaky breaths.
Releasing thick white ropes onto her own stomach.
Cheryl bends down and licks it off of the girl, swallowing it and creating hickeys all over her body.
"You're so sexy baby"
Toni says
"I loved every minute of that TT"
Cheryl starts to take off the harness.
"Time for you to work again"
She sighs
"Forget that, put it back on"
Cheryl's eyes light up
Toni grabs the girl by her throat and shoved her onto the bed kissing her sloppily, she lets go of her throat replacing her hand with her mouth creating hickeys all over her.
"Toni" Cheryl moans out.
Toni turns herself around and straddles her hips backwards, her back facing the girl. Cheryl can see the scratches going down her back from last nights activities where she fucked Cheryl senseless.
Toni sinks down onto the silicone.
"OHHOHHH Oh fuck-k"
She begins to slowly bounce up and down making the bed creak. Cheryl is looking at the ways she throws her head back with her eyes shut.
"Damn baby you're so hot"
Her eyes go lower staring at her ass. Toni lays her arms in front of her taking every inch of the purple dildo.
That ass. Damn
Cheryl get off of one of her elbows and smacks her ass
She smacks it again
And Toni rides faster
"UGH OHHh AH ah oh"
"You like that don't you"
"YES I dooo! Fuck!"
Cheryl sits up and reached her arm down to the girls neck, pulling her up.
Toni moans
"You like being fucked in the ass?"
Toni blushes a bit and doesn't respond
Cheryl slaps her boob
"Do you like when I fuck you in the ass?"
Toni just bites her lip. Cheryl pulls out of the girl making her whimper
"Cheryl" she pouts
"I asked you a question"
She says pulling her hair forcing her off the bed
"Do you like when I fuck you in the ass"
"Yes Cheryl"
"Say it"
"I- I like when you fuck me... in the ass."
"Good girl"
She says bending the girl back over the bed, she smoothly enters her girl.
"I like to fuck you in the ass Toni. It's so hot watching you moan for me."
Cheryl begins to pound into the girl. She'd be lying if she said she hadn't been fantasizing about doing this to her fiancée, making her scream in pleasure. Toni is a switch but more of a top but when she's like this, Cheryl can't get enough.
Toni can't even form a coherent sentence
Cheryl watches as Toni struggles to form words. Her practicing came in handy, sometimes when Toni was really busy she'd sneak and put the harness on practicing thrusting against a pillow to get used to fucking Toni.
"You gonna cum for me babe?"
The brunette nods quickly.
"Soon!, Cheryl just like th-at! FUCK."
Cheryl continues to fuck Toni as fast and as smoothly as she can. Toni cums screaming Cheryl's name.
Cheryl takes off the harness and puts it down to be cleaned.
"That was so hot"
The red head pants
"It was baby"
Toni says pulling the girl under her, into a kiss. She sneaks a hand behind her to take her bra off.
And slips a hand to her dripping wet center Cheryl is so turned on she almost cums right then. She looks down at Toni's 2 fingers going in and out of her.
"Look at me" Toni demands
Cheryl looks into Toni's eyes, Toni's forehead pressed against hers.
"This pussy is mine"
Cheryl nods. Not being able to say anything.
"Who's pussy is this?"
"Yours T-Toni"
"How good do I make you feel?"
"Sooo good baby"
She moans
Toni leans down and kissed the girl entering a third finger into her. Cheryl gasps
"Ah TONI!"
Her walls begin to clench
"Can I cum please?"
"For being such a good girl, you can"
She cums and they plop beside each other kissing
"That was-"
"So perfect"
Cheryl interrupts
"Let's shower"
Looks like Toni will be having an
all-nighter to get her work done.

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