Sneaky Link Gone Wrong (2) - Angst/Smut

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Cheryl drove to her girlfriend's house after she received a text from her.

"I miss you so much! When are you coming to see me, love?"

She almost forgot about Heather, after what happened 2 nights ago with Toni, Cheryl was not living like someone in a relationship.

"Heather?" She called through the house. She didn't get a response and that worried her, usually the blonde woman would race down the stairs as fast as she could to greet Cheryl.

She walked up the stairs and heard Heather moaning behind her bedroom door. Cheryl's heart shattered, her girlfriend was cheating on her. She didn't expect it but knew she deserved it. She was an awful parter to Heather.

Still, she opened the door with shaky hands and saw Heather laying on her back, her laptop next to her as she masturbated.

Cheryl facepalmed herself and purposefully stepped on one of the creaky floorboards. She knew to avoid that one when she snuck around to go cheat on Heather.

"Cher! Oh my God, hey. I uh, I was just thinking about you... clearly."

"Need some help, love?"

"Mmm, yea please, baby." Heather said sexually as she threw the blanket away from her and reached for Cheryl.

The redhead had covered her hickeys that Toni left.

⚠️Smut (There's a reason why tho I swear😭😭) ⚠️

Cheryl sat on Heather's lap after taking her skirt and panties off, she started rocking her clit against her girlfriend's wet clit, moaning at how good her warm skin felt against her own.

"Ugh, baby." Heather moaned as she held on gently to Cheryl's back. Cheryl wrapped her and around Heather's throat and stated fucking her harder.

"Whoa whoa whoa, babe. What's going on, are you okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"We never have sex like that, is something bothering you?"

"No, no I was just... hoping we could try something new?"

She was caught. Her and Heather never had rough sex, that was something she went to Toni for.

"Oh. Oh... I'm so down." Heather bit her lip and asked to pull Cheryl's shirt off. Once it was off, Heather flipped Cheryl onto her back and started to rub her clit.

"Mmm, Heather. Fuck baby, just like that." Cheryl's hips lifted off the bed as her body tensed in pleasure.

"Oh, TT!" She screamed in ecstasy as she felt herself about to cum.

"What?" Heather said as she moved away from her girlfriend.

"Huh?" Cheryl sat up and looked into Heather's green eyes.

"Who's TT?"

"Nonono, baby... I was trying to say titty, as in touch my breasts."

"Are you sure? Because that was really weird and it sounded like TT not-"

"Babe, I swear to you."

"Okay. Okay, I trust you, Cher. I'm sorry for accusing you."

"I forgive you." Cheryl gently moved Heather's hair out of her face and kissed her plump lips, smiling when butterflies emerged in the pit of her stomach.

"I love you, Cheryl Blossom."

"I love you more Heather Chandler." (I had too)

Heather chuckled at the inside joke between the two as her girlfriend kissed down her body, starting to eat her out.

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