Madnessa 3x15 - smut

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I ship mads and Vanessa to an extent. Like I think I'd be cute if they did date but Mads (as far as I know) is straight and we should all respect that just like we would a lesbian if the roles were reversed.

Madnessa def won't be a regular thing for me to write I just had an idea and for whatever reason couldn't get it outta my mind so here goes.

"Action!" The director yelled on set, the line supervisor standing next to him while the cameras started rolling.

Madelaine gently pushed Vanessa down onto one of the tables in la bonne nuit, flipped her hair to the side and began kissing down her torso.Vanessa bit her lip, of course to play the part. What else? It's not like she was extremely attracted to the redhead and cursed the directors for putting her in this position.

"Cut. Next scene"

Madelaine continued kissing down Vanessa's torso until she got to right above her jeans, she was clearly very turned on. The way Vanessa had been touching her, the script, her being on top of her tan body all made Madelaine soak right through her panties.

"Cut, guys." The director said once again

Vanessa didn't pull away or sit up she just watched as her best friend unbuttoned her pants and started pulling them down.

"Whoa, Mads! Not scripted! Hey girls you're done." The script supervisor added.

"Mads, what're you doing?" Vanessa whispered

"Do you want me to stop?" She asked as she looked up at her

"No, please don't." Madelaine pulled her friend's jeans all the way down before coming back up to her clothed center. She kissed over her covered clit and interlocked her fingers with V's.

"Girls, seriously. You're gonna be going home late if you don't stop now."

"Cameras, go." He shoo'd them away and looked toward the rest of his team, trying to figure out who knew what the hell to do.

Mads pulled Vanessa's, well Toni's underwear off with her teeth and teased Vanessa with her tongue.

"Fuck" The brunette whispered as she dropped her head back. Madelaine sort of knew what she was doing, she was obviously a woman so she knew about the clit and what a woman likes so she did that on Vanessa. Swirling her tongue around her clit and sucking on it.

"God, Mads. What about Michael?"

"What about him?"

"We're really doing this right now, at work? I mean it's unprofessional."

"Wanna meet up at my place after work?"

"No, Michael will wonder why and we both know I'm not a good liar."

"It amazes me how you're such an amazing actress yet you suck at lying" Madelaine said before going back to sucking her friend's clit.

"Ladies, security is on there way."

"Fuck Mads don't stop." The brunette breathed heavily. Already feeling an orgasm. She hadn't had one in a while since Michael was always "tired from practice" or "sore" or any other lame excuse. I don't care if you're paralyzed, if your girl needs her pussy ate she need her pussy ate.

"God dammit, they're not gonna stop are they?"

"Mads!" Vanessa screamed as she pulled on ginger locks.

"I'm cumming"

Mads pulled apart tan legs as she continued her broad strokes across Vanessa's clit, sucking on it periodically.

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