Swimming Pool (3) - smut

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3rd POV:

It was the night Toni and Cheryl were meeting up. Toni was on her way to Cheryl's house. Cher has been making sure to eat healthy and save up her energy, as Ariana Grande once said. Toni made sure she looked extra hot tonight, she normally doesn't try hard because she's always been hot but Cheryl makes her nervous.

Toni was very confident that she'd be the best Cheryl's ever had. Stamina, check, Looks, check. Her head game is strong and her dick is big. She doesn't have anything to worry about. But with the way they'd been talking it up, she's scared she'll disappoint.

Cheryl is confident too, she knows she's a sexy motherfucker. She hadn't seen Toni since she cleaned her pool and was getting desperate. She knows she needs to hold out for longer this time. In order to prove Toni right, that she could go all night long.

She heard the unfamiliar sound of a loud motorcycle engine outside of her house, she peeked out of the blinds and saw Toni tossing her keys around and walking up to the front door. She quickly ran down the stairs and answered the door.

Cheryl POV

There she is, looking even finer than when I last saw her. Her tatted arm sleeve was showing, her long pink and light brown hair cascaded down her back, she wore a lacy black top which showed her cleavage and black shorts hugging her curves perfectly.

"Hey Blossom, you look sexy"

I was wearing a tight and short low cut dress, showing a little of the lacy lingerie I was wearing.

"You look hot too, Topaz" I said opening the door wider, allowing room for her to walk in.

I turned around to close and lock the door behind her, when I turned back around she grabbed my hips and pulled me into a rough kiss.

"Slow your roll Topaz. let it happen, don't force it."

"Who says I got time?" She sassed, pulling me closer

"If you wanna see what's underneath, you'll be patient."

I've always been more dominant in bed and I have no intention of letting that title slip away just because Toni has the dick and would be the strap wearer.

"Come sit" I said leading her to the living room, swaying my hips. I could tell she was looking at my ass, giving me a large confidence boost.

We sat on the couch and I put on a random movie, she got comfortable quickly. She took her shoes off and kicked her feet up on the coffee table. Her crotch was completely visible and I could see her bulge through her shorts. Smirking to myself, I laid down on her chest and she played with my hair.

The movie was barely half way over and we were both getting impatient. Somehow I ended up sitting on her lap so I used this to my advantage and started moving slowly. Grinding my hips back and forth, listening to her groan.

"You ready now Cherry?"

I nodded and turned around to straddle her. I kept grinding into her bulge, giving me friction on the spot I needed her most.

She pulled me into a kiss, our lips connecting perfectly, there was a bit of a spark and a little hope that we'd do this again.

We were making out, her hands on my ass as she leaned back while I attacked her neck. I unzipped her shorts and her eyes opened, watching as I slid them down her legs and crawled back up to her.

"Didn't think you'd be topping me miss Blossom."

I ignored her and cupped her dick, making her groan into my mouth. I started teasing her, growing impatient she grabbed my hips and laid me down onto the couch, pinning my hands above the arm rest. She smirked at me before making hickeys on my neck and chest area, when she found my sweet spot I moaned softly, she chuckled and brought her hand under my dress. I felt her finger teasing me over my panties.

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