Protective Toni - Fluff

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To the outside world it would be seen as possessive

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To the outside world it would be seen as possessive.

The way Toni reacts when Cheryl has conversations with others.

But inside, Toni knows she's not angry. She knows she feels the need to protect her girlfriend from any and everything bad in the world.

She's been through a tough life with shady people and liars and she doesn't want that for Cheryl. So when Cheryl talks to Reggie. Arrogant, idiotic, misogynistic Reggie, she stares and she analyzes his every move, she reads his lips and she watches Cheryl's reactions. She makes out the words "me and my buddies" and "jingle jangle" and immediately walks up to the two.

"Hey babe"

"Hi TT, Reggie and I were just talking."

"I see that. But uh... I thought you were going to tutor me."

"Tutor? TT, you're too intelligent to need my help in any learning subject. Your grades are flawless, my love." Cheryl flatters her in her usual chipper tone, the one she only uses when speaking to Toni.

She smiles knowing Toni knew what Reggie was asking about and came over to protect her. To maintain her "innocence" and shoo off the bad influence.

"Right. Well uh how about we go off campus for lunch? My treat." Toni suggested, pulling Cheryl into her side.

"Sounds perfect." The redhead took her girlfriend's hand and they walked to her red convertible.

The short brunette thought she was being smooth but Cheryl, as always, knew about her plan and she loved how adorable toni looked when making up excuses to get her out of a conversation. How adorable it was that her big tough gang member girlfriend has a soft side for her. So she held her close, and kissed her head, forgetting about Reggie and his buddies to focus on her girlfriend. The only one who's cared for her in such a way, almost obsessive but adorable none the less. The girl she sees her future in.

Short and sweet I guess 😅

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