A Mistake (3x16) - Angst

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This takes place in 3x16 shortly after Choni gets back together. Cheryl finds about about the threesome 😬

Narrator POV

Your favorite couple just got back together. After they broke up they knew they couldn't live without each other. For Cheryl it was laying in bed alone. She'd unconsciously scoot backwards, expecting her girlfriend to wrap her arms around her waist and kiss her neck as always. Expecting to feel safe and loved. But now whenever she backed up into Toni's side of the bed, she felt alone. She cried herself to sleep and regretted not fighting harder for their relationship.

For Toni it was when she went back to her tent. Right as she walked in, she saw the collage pillow on her sleeping bag. She groaned and took her shoes off, she doubled up her socks and threw the pillow out of her tent. She shivered and cried while regretting dropping off her "rent money". She missed Cheryl. She needed to see her face and wrap her arms around her, she needed Cheryl to remind her how much of a softy she was and kiss her forehead just to laugh at her blush.

She walked out of her tent, stepping through mud and leaves to grab the pillow covered in pictures of the happy couple. Printed memories of them at Pops with milkshake on their faces, pictures of them at the pool memories of them riding Toni's bike and going on roller coasters and attending school football and basketball games, they were all in her hands. The pillow was covered in tears as she held it close to her heart, wishing it were Cheryl and that they'd continue making memories together.

The memory they're about to make could be their last.

Cheryl laid in bed, waiting for Toni to get out of the shower so she could go back to cuddling her. She was scrolling through Instagram when she got a message from an unknown number. She would have ignored it if it weren't for the photo they sent.

It was of Toni, Peaches and SweetPea walking out of the auditorium. Sweetpea was buckling his belt with messed up hair, Peaches was pinning her hair into a bun while her leather jacket hung off her arms, hickeys on her neck. But there was a third person who really caught Cheryl's eye, her girlfriend, who had hickeys all over her chest and neck. Her hair was ruined and her makeup was smudged. She wore a smile and her shirt was unzipped.

The redhead quickly connected the dots but prayed, even though she was never religious, that she was mistaken. She took a second and third and fourth glance at the picture but couldn't get over Toni's smile. She looked so happy. It made Cheryl think "Have I ever made her nearly as happy as that?" She started doubting their relationship entirely, she tried as hard as she could to make Toni happy, she wanted her to know she could always come to her if she had a problem or was feeling down. Whatever Toni needed, Cheryl provided.

But then again, Cheryl has issues. Her family either disowned her or died before they got the chance. She struggled with her own mental health and feared that she was weighting Toni down already, but this picture. It did something to Cheryl.

"Hey babe, whatcha thinkin' about?" Toni asked from behind Cheryl as she dried her hair

"Babe?" She asked again when her girlfriend didn't respond or even move.

"What's wrong?" Cheryl turned her phone to face Toni, it had locked by now so she just used her Face ID.

When she saw the picture on the screen she freaked. Who even took it? And why the hell would they send Cheryl the picture?

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