All dressed up and pretty -Fluff / Angst

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"Babe, when was the last time you got all dressed up and pretty for me?" Toni sighed as she laid on her and her wife's bed.

"Excuse me?" Cheryl asks, her head snapping back to look at the tan woman.

"What the hell did you just say?"

"No, babe I didn't mean it like that." Toni tried to explain quickly, sitting up as her heart pounded out of her chest at the look the redhead was giving her.

"When was the last time I got all dressed up and pretty? Are you kidding me?"

"No Cher I didn't mean for it to come off like that I was just trying to say-"

"Forget it, Toni. I just can't even look at you right now. I thought I was with someone who loves me for me not for how I look when I'm 'all dressed up and pretty'."

"Cheryl seriously, I really didn't mean it like that I just mean when was the last time you got a cute little makeover type treatment." Toni said as she walked up to her irritated wife and tried putting her arms around her waist.

"Go sleep in the guest room. That really upset me and I don't want to see you right now."

"Babe seriously. It was stupid of me to say like that I was just-"

"Trying to get me to put on makeup since I'm clearly not pretty enough."

"Baby, I'm sorry I just meant when was the last time you went to the salon? Like for you to feel pretty."

"For me to feel pretty? What am I not pretty to you now? I feel pretty how I am and if you don't agree, then maybe I'm not the one for you."

"Cher this is all happening so fast just let me explain, please. It was a misunderstanding you know I'm not an asshole."

"I don't wanna hear it right now. Please just go."


"Go sleep in the guest room, Antoinette."

Toni sucked her teeth and huffed, grabbing a scarf for her hair, her phone and her charger before walking out of the room and into the guest room. If there was one thing she knew about her wife it was that in situations like these she needs a while to process, talking to her and adding more confusion and misunderstandings to the mix wouldn't help. Toni knew Cheryl needed space so she gave it to her while she thought of over a million ways to make it up to her.

Toni's POV

Make breakfast for her in the morning? Not special enough, I do that every day.

Fruit basket? Knowing her she'll take it and ignore me

Remind her of the reasons I married her, out of love, because I'm committed to her and I need her? Pretty good actually

Maybe I'll surprise her with dinner or something. I just don't want it to seem like I'm trying to win her back over, I want her to know that I've loved her the whole time, not just in makeup but in everything she does or wears. I really didn't mean for it to come off like that. I meant something more like "babe, when was the last time you had yourself a nice salon and spa day" because she deserves it. Not because she isn't beautiful. Damn, my mouth has always got me in trouble.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone off of the nightstand.

My love 😇

I love you more than words can describe. I'm sorry I'm not good with words and that I hurt you by saying the wrong things. But please remember that I married you because I love you. I married you because I want to start a beautiful family with a beautiful woman who doesn't need to get "all dressed up and pretty" I'm really really sorry, my love. I wish I never said it and that what I said never hurt you. I love you so much.

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