Suggestion Page‼️

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Hey, I didn't expect people to trust me enough to write their ideas tbh but some of you seem to trust me.

Anyways, if you could use this page to put your suggestions on that'd be great. If I've already written your suggestion or if you pm'd me don't worry about telling me it again.

The purpose of this is so that no one's idea gets lost because I'm starting to forget which ones I still need to write and it would be easier to come back to one page and read the suggestions.

Even if you don't have any ideas rn the page will always be here and I'll check back here

If you have something specific like a height difference, someone being intersex, their ages or a made up characters name. PLS INCLUDE IT. I can't just read your mind lol

Also, don't be afraid to suggest anything, as long as you're not super rude like "dude, write my one shot idea *insert idea* and hurry up too I want to read it by tomorrow.🙄" I'll write it. (Keep in mind I've literally written Toni killing Cheryl)

No one's been that nasty and I understand if you're translating back and forth your suggestion might come off a little aggressive.

Anyway, I talk too much you get the point. Suggestions go in the comments OF THIS CHAPTER

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