Halloween Fuckery 🎃 - SMUT

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Please vote and comment, I spent a long time on this! 🧡

"Mmm, my sexy Velma" Toni said as she watched Cheryl check herself out in their bedroom mirror.

"Raven has never been so hot." Cheryl said back to Toni, looking at her purple cloak and the way her fishnets complimented her perfect tanned thighs

"Raven has always been so hot, fuck you mean"

"That's true... I'm sorry the Starfire costume didn't work out, my love."

Cheryl had planned to be the Starfire to Toni's Raven, but obviously that plan had fallen through.

"Don't worry about it, I'd take this over Starfire any day." Toni said, running her hands down Cheryl's back and to her ass, even lower to her thighs. She pulled the taller girl into her, making the redhead groan and wrap her arms around Toni's neck.

"But seriously, you do pull this off so well" Toni took Cheryl's manicured hands and spun her around, her red skirt rising up from the gust of wind.

"Baby!" Cheryl squealed as she pushed her skirt back down

"Whaaaatt? Nothing I've never seen before baby." Toni bit her lip, pulling Cheryl in for a kiss. As she did, her girlfriend's hands started to feel on the back of her thighs and ass. The brunette copied her girlfriend's actions and put her hands over Cheryl's skirt. Except when she did so, her hands were on bare skin. Toni furrowed her eyebrows, the skirt didn't seem that short hanging up in the closet.

"Wait, babe.." Toni stopped Cheryl who pulled away very reluctantly.

"What's wrong love? Cheryl asked, gently scratching the back of Toni's neck with her nails as she examined the look on her girlfriend's face.

"Turn around"

The redhead did a 180 as her girlfriend watched her attentively.

"Woah! Baby!" Toni's eyes went wide as she saw that her girlfriends ass really was hanging out.

"What?" Cheryl asked before looking back at Toni.

"Your entire ass is out, that's what!"

Cheryl let out a loud laugh, one of the ones that hurt your stomach and cheeks. The look on her girlfriend's face was just so priceless.

"Baby" she said, catching her breath and composing herself.

"I didn't realize it was so short either. Even I was surprised when I put it on and saw that much ass... if you want I can put together something else real quick, like Annie or-"

"No baby, it's your body, plus you look damn good. It was just surprising that's all, and what's so funny about that?"

"Nothing" Cheryl said cracking a small smile as she turned back toward the mirror.

Toni wrapped her arms around Cheryl's waist from behind, holding her close as she watched her in the mirror. The brunette gently stroked the exposed pale skin of her stomach and kissed her girlfriend's neck.

"You are so beautiful." She mumbled as she squeezed Cheryl endlessly closer.

"I love you in this outfit, not sure if you're gonna stay in it the whole night but..."

"Why wouldn't I, T?" Cheryl asked, faking her obliviousness even after Toni started peppering kisses around her neck and collarbone.

Toni gave Cheryl a knowing look, biting her lip and letting her eyes scan over her exposed skin. Her cleavage showed through her crop top, and her skirt was even more revealing, if that was even possible.

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