I dare you to be my girlfriend(1)

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I hope this is good because I really liked your idea <3

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I hope this is good because I really liked your idea <3

Heads up, It has some storyline in the beginning and the smut is in pt. 2 I'm sorry! but I'm gonna try to get pt. 2 out soon

Narrator POV
Teenage hormones affect everyone. This includes Toni and Cheryl who are seemingly always touching. It just feels better to be cuddled up with someone, no commitments made and not many expectations. Feeling like holding someone's hand? Toni's got you covered, if you're Cheryl of course. You would think since they aren't committed to each other they would go around with other people, but Cheryl and Toni's friends would never allow it.

So there they sat, in the student lounge, bodies entangled with bright smiles on their faces.

"Sooo, Choni. Now that you're hashtag official-"

"How do you figure that, Kevin?"

"I just assumed that since you're cuddling in public..."

"This was you guys' idea. Don't even deny it" Cheryl said in response while pointing between their two groups of friends.

"Yes Miss. Bombshell, it was. Buuuuuut the bedroom eyes were not." Veronica said, smirking at the two girls

"Don't act like you don't like it" Fangs added, barely looking up from his phone.

Cheryl and Toni both blushed and looked at each other, hearts pounding in their chest.

They both knew they'd be mistaken for a couple given how often they have any type of physical contact with each other, that and they're some of the only women who are out of the closet at school. But they never discussed whether or not that was a bad thing. They were too scared to lose the comfort they felt with one another.

Cheryl loved when Toni's arms were around her, whether it was an arm around her shoulder or hands around her waist she would always relax and blush at the gesture.

Toni loved cuddling with Cheryl, she really enjoyed spooning her and the way she'd sigh and let go in her embrace. She loved when Cheryl would comb through her brown hair and scratch her scalp. She couldn't go a day without Cheryl touching her.

"So, you two busy after school or are you gonna go fuck?"

"Ha.Ha. Very funny, SweetPea. You know I've never... you know." Cheryl whispered nervously.

If there was one thing she hated talking about it was her sex life, or lack there of. She's almost eighteen, a lot of people her age have sex but she wants to wait for someone special.

"Yes, we all know you're a virgin, never even seen one." He snickered, receiving a harsh nudge from Betty.

"That's because I'm a lesbian, you asshole"

Choni One Shots | smutty, fluffy, angstyWhere stories live. Discover now