Slipping (Mdlg)

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Suggestion explains it lol

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Suggestion explains it lol. Mdlg, little Toni. Yada yada lets get into it

Cheryl POV

Me, Toni and Jason, our son named after my late brother were settling down after the pool and lunch. It was around 5:00 PM and we were all laying in the living room.

Toni and I cuddled up on the couch and Jason laid on the floor in front of the TV with his blanket and pillow. He's turning 9 soon but will always be our little baby.

"You have fun today, Jay?"

"Yeah ma, but next time I get to push you in the pool. Not the other way around"

I laughed remembering how when we first got to the pool and we were trying to get past that initial stage of the water being cold and Toni just pushed Jason right in.

"We'll see about that" Toni chuckled, burying her head in my neck.

"You okay, love?" I asked while throwing the blanket over us both.

"I haven't been little in so long I think it's just gonna happen."

"What do you mean 'just gonna happen'?"

"I mean I can feel myself getting little as we speak"

"That's okay, I'll take care of you as always"

Toni's had to suppress her little side more because she's a mother now and spends time taking care of Jason. Any chance we get her little side will come out and I, as her mommy dom, will take care of her. It's been maybe a week since Toni got to be little. Jason was going to summer camp, she was working from home and I was working shorter hours. Leaving us to have alone time but now Jason's camp is over and she's gone back to hiding her little side.

"Are you sure? I mean... Jay" she said, tilting her head towards him.

"I'm sure. Unless you don't want him to find out."

"I do, but what if he doesn't support it?"

"Baby, he's our son. We raised him to be as open-minded as possible. Hell, he was wearing a tiara the other day and didn't seem to even care. Remember when he wanted to paint his nails? Babe, he's the most accepting, caring little boy and we raised him that way. Trust me on this one, he might be confused at first but I'll explain in a way he'll understand. It's up to you. Take your time."

I personally think Toni should age regress, I don't want want her to hide who she is from our son. But I also understand it can be nerve racking for her, and I'd never force her. But I also know our son, and I know he will love his mommy the same. Little or not.

I felt her lay back down onto my chest, a minute or two later she seemed restless. I thought she was still nervous so I started rubbing her back which made her look up at me.

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