"Nothing to worry about" - Angst/Fluff

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"That was a really predictable ending, it was honestly kind of boring" Cheryl said talking about the movie her and Toni just watched at the theatre

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"That was a really predictable ending, it was honestly kind of boring" Cheryl said talking about the movie her and Toni just watched at the theatre

"Well I was more focused on the beautiful girl sitting right next to me."

"You're such a flirt. Did you even watch the movie?" Cheryl blushed as she grabbed onto her girlfriend's bicep over her jean jacket.

"Mmm, bits and pieces."

"And by that you mean, let me guess, you watched the beginning and... nope that's it just the beginning." Cheryl laughed while her and Toni made their way out of the theatre.

"Yeah, just the beginning. But it's not my fault, you just look so cute in your outfit today."

"Wow, Topaz. Ever a time when you're not flirting with someone?"  A feminine voice asked from behind them

"Makayla?" Toni stopped in her tracks turning around to see her ex-girlfriend. A black girl a bit taller than her, she had box braids and wore a bleached denim jacket and black jeans.

"In the flesh. How've you been?"

"I've been great actually. Cheryl and I have been great" The couple walked back toward Makayla

"Cheryl Blossom, Toni's girlfriend" She introduced

"Yeah? Well I'm not surprised. You've always had a charm that could pick up any beautiful girl."

"Okay, well if you're done flirting with my girl..." Toni chuckled, playfully pushing Makayla away.

"No seriously, we all know how you used to be. New girls every month- hell, you've probably dated half this town by now."

Cheryl was confused from what Makayla was saying. But she brushed it off and assumed she meant because Toni dates boys and girls.

"I mean it was me, Ashley, CJ, Jackson, Allison-" She said, listing some of Toni's most recent Ex's

"Yeah, we get it. It was uh good to see you Kayla but we have plans today so bye now." Toni chuckled nervously as she grabbed her girlfriend's hand gently. The redhead gave her a small fake smile and got to thinking. Was her girlfriend really a player?

The car ride to the mall was mostly silent, aside from the music playing. Toni could sense Cheryl was a little jealous even if the redhead wouldn't admit it.

When they got to the mall Toni opened Cheryl's door for her and they walked hand in hand into a shoe store.

"What do you think of these? They look nice and it'd match up clean with your style."

"I don't know, I'm more of a leather boot type of gal." Toni said as she caressed the more expensive boots on the shelves

"Oh trust me, I've noticed."

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