Twins - Angst ig

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"That was great, babe" I panted after Toni and I finished our fourth round of sex

"Yeah, but there's just one thing... I'm not Toni"

"WHAT?!" I screamed, jumping out of Toni's bed and covering myself with the sheet.

"Jazmine, stop. No you're Toni, please say you're Toni"

"Sorry Cheryl. I'm Jazmine" She said as she climbed back into bed, pulling her boxers back on.

"But we just slept together and- oh my god, four times... how could you let me believe you were Toni?"

"In my defense, I thought you'd notice."

"You two are identical twins! And you practically act the same."

"Relax, Red hot. You weren't freaking out when I was fucking your brains out-" She smirked while winking at me.

"Stop, stop, stop. What the hell are we gonna tell Toni?"

"Tell Toni what?- what the hell is going on in here?" Toni asked, walking into her bedroom.

"Babe, I can explain"

"Yeah, please explain why my girlfriend is standing here naked with a sheet covering her body while my sister is half naked and in my bed!"

"Easy Tones" Jazmine warned, pulling her T-shirt back on.

"No Jaz! Did you two sleep together? And don't fucking lie to me"

"We did, but Cheryl came onto me!" She yelled, blocking her face from Toni's fist.

Toni put her fist down and looked toward me

"She's lying! She's- you're such a damn liar! Tell her the truth." She just looked at me with a fake confused expression.

"Jazmine, tell her the truth." I repeated, receiving the same response.

"T, I'm sorry but Cheryl was feelin' up on me and I told her I wasn't you but she didn't care. And I take responsibility for sleeping with her, but she started it"

My jaw dropped in offense and shock.

"Babe, come on you know I'd never do that. You know me-"

"Toni, are you gonna believe me, your twin sister. Or Cheryl?... girlfriends are temporary ya know."

Toni was looking back and forth between us.

"Baby" I called out for her

"Tones"  Jazmine said to get her attention away from me.

"Cheryl... Jaz. What the hell? How could either one of you go through with that?"

"I thought she was you! Toni you do realize you're both identical to each other? Especially now that your pink hair has faded. Babe I swear, I thought she was you. And after we... finished, she told me that she wasn't you. I'd never cheat on you"

"Toni, she cheated on Andrews to be with you, who's to say she wouldn't do you like she did him."

"Stop trying to pin this on me! Toni, you know Jazmine has never liked me. She's doing this out of spite, please believe me" I walked up to her and tried putting my hand on her cheek but she smacked it away,

"Don't fucking touch me with that hand, I don't know what you've been touching- and that's another thing, even if you confused us, could you not tell by the different sex? Or the personality? We look the same but we don't act the same"

"Honestly, I'm gonna be 100% honest and it's gonna sound shallow, but I was just trying to get some at the time. I didn't realize because I was horny and I didn't think I had to double check that it was you, you know? But the sex was different... not as passionate and not as many caring words like 'you're so beautiful' like you usually tell me. But I thought you were just tired or something"

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