In the stalls - smut

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"Fuck babe, your ass looks so good in these shorts" Toni groaned as she squeezed Cheryl's ass.

"Please" The redhead whispered as her back pressed against the school bathroom stall.

Toni had dragged her out of science class for this, they had a max of 5-8 minutes before someone caught on and she was desperate for the slightest bit of touching from her girlfriend. Cheryl recently found herself being very, very gay with Toni and wouldn't have it any other way.

"Please what?"

"Please fuck me, TT" Cheryl panted as she shamelessly started grinding her throbbing center on Toni's thigh, holding onto her neck while the brunette pushed her thigh deep between her legs.

"Like this?"

"Any way. I just need you right now"

Toni gripped on to Cheryl's hips, helping guide her across her thigh until she got the right angle through her shorts.

"Is that enough, babe?" Toni asked, not completely convinced Cheryl was feeling much through the fabric.

Cheryl shook her head and immediately, Toni pulled her girlfriend's shorts off and hung them on the stall door, the bathroom was still a dirty place and she knew Cheryl was a clean freak so she didn't drop them on the ground.

"Grind on me, Cher" Toni whispered as she bit Cheryl's ear gently.

She could sense how desperate her girlfriend was since Penelope had "forbade" them from seeing each other after they had to explain why Cheryl's sheets were being washed 3 times a week and an enormous amount of towels were being used. But they couldn't get caught here, and they'd be dammed if they didn't take advantage of that.

"I don't need to cum, I just wanna touch you." Cheryl whispered as she ground her hips harder against Toni, the wet patch in her panties only growing.

Toni wrapped her arms around Cheryl's waist and pulled the taller girl into her, enjoying the intimacy even if it was in a bathroom. She licked and nipped at pale skin as Cheryl tossed her head back and moaned, squeezing her newest obsession. Toni's boobs.

"Fuck just like that, TT." Cheryl panted as she looked into Toni's eyes, she draped herself over the shorter girls back as she let Toni grind hard into her center.

"You like that, huh? You like when I fuck you at school? When anybody could walk in here and hear us?"

"Yes, TT. I love having you anywhere, anytime." The redhead mumbled into Toni's shoulder. She was feeling the perfect amount of pressure against her clit and got damn was it good.

The thought of someone walking in and hearing her and Toni like this. Hearing how Toni fucks her like this drove Cheryl off the walls. She knew they'd be in trouble for taking so long in the bathroom, that it'd mess up her perfect record. But for Toni, the way Toni holds her, whispers to her, kisses her? She didn't care if she got expelled, she could never get enough.

The brunette moved her hands from Cheryl's hips, now that she helped her find a steady rhythm that could bring her pleasure, and moved them to her shirt. She brought her hands underneath it, expertly unsnapped her bra and began squeezing her perky freckled breasts. She slowly scratched them with dull nails, knowing how goosebumps would appear on Cheryl's body. Right now was about her. She knew Cheryl would give her something in return later but right now her girlfriend needed her. And even though she said she didn't need to cum, Toni wanted her to feel as much pleasure as she could.

Clothes ruffling, moans and heavy breathing filled the bathroom. Cheryl was desperately clinging onto Toni while Cheryl ground herself against Toni's leg, her clit rubbing at the perfect angle that made her melt, that had her writhing and biting her lip.

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