Loyalty Test Part 1- Angst?

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Toni tests Cheryl's loyalty by having Veronica hit on her

Toni POV

Ok, ok you might be thinking "Toni, honey are you that desperate to find out if your girlfriend will cheat on you that you'll have her bestie hit on her?" No I am not. I just want to know.. for personal reasons. But on a real note, I know Cher would never cheat on me, this is all just in good fun.

"So you know your lines right?"

"Uh no, I didn't memorize them 'cause I read 'are you a parking ticket? ... cuz you got fine written all over you' and knew you didn't know what the hell you were talking about"

"Whatever Ronnie, I haven't used a pick up line in years"

She said rolling her eyes

"Anyways I'll just use my natural charm and you.. prepare your tissues, Mrs. Steal yo girl has entered the building."

"Ok whatever, I'll be in the closet.. damn. Anyways I'll be in the closet listening... and watching, hands off."

"Bye Topaz"
She said closing me into the closet.
I'm not claustrophobic but this isn't comfy, and to think I spent so many years of my life in here...

Veronica POV

"Baby I'm home!"

I heard Cheryl yell through the red, dimly lit, fully furnished home. Put together of thin walls and.. Stop I can't be fancy even in my voiceovers or whatever the hell you'd call this

"Toni? Where are you?"

"I'm in the bedroom baby!"

"Ronnie? What are you doing here?"
She asks putting her coat and lunch bag on the bed.

"I was waiting for you, duh"
I said, grabbing her coat and hanging it on a chair, since it couldn't go in the closet.

"Sit down"
She listened and in my head I swear I heard 'do what I say like I'm daddy'

I took her boots off making her sigh, relieved.

"I was wearing those all day, my feet are so sore."

"Don't worry 'bout it baby"

I ran into the bathroom, grabbed a bottle of lotion and ran back.

"Oh, Ronnie you don't have to"

"Yes I do, you've been at work all day you need to relax."


I took her socks off and started to massage her feet.

"Such a hard working woman... you deserve the world, Cher"
I praised

"T-thanks Ronnie."

"Lay back, just enjoy yourself for a minute."

Cheryl POV
Ronnie is being weirder than usual today, calling me baby and giving me a massage? I mean it is nice to be rewarded for my hard work but it'd be way better if it were Toni doing the massaging.

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