No more Secret Dating- Angst/fluff

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Cherry Pie 🍒: Meet me in the bathroom but don't be suspicious

Me: Mhmm

Cheryl and I have been secretly dating for the past few months and I'm getting tired of it. Don't get me wrong I love Cheryl but I hate having to hide the fact that I have the world's hottest girlfriend from everyone. I raise my hand to go to the bathroom, when the teacher lets me go I walk out and head to the bathroom slowly, thinking of what I'm going to say to Cheryl.

When I get in the bathroom I see Cheryl with her finger over her mouth making a shushing motion. She points to a stall where I see someone's legs under the door. I sigh and pretend like I'm fixing my hair in the mirror while she fixes her makeup. When the girl leaves the bathroom Cheryl kisses me but I barely kiss back. She pulls away

"Everything ok, my love?"

"Yeah, I'm good" I say going back to kissing her but she pulls away quickly

"Talk to me Toni, what's wrong?"

I sighed before looking down to my hands and answering

"Cheryl, I can't do this anymore"

She freezes for a second

"So you're breaking up with me right now?"

"No Cheryl, I love you... I just can't keep doing this secretive stuff."

"Why not?"

"Because It's getting annoying, I want to be able to take you out and show you off but whenever we're in public you practically ignore my existence, and I don't like it."

"You're making it seem like you didn't agree to this already"

"That was five months ago Cher!"

"Toni, you know I'm not ready yet!"

"Ready for what? You're already out! it just seems like you don't want people to know you're dating me"

"That's not true! I'm just scared. I'm out but you're my first girlfriend, people won't-"

"It doesn't matter what other people think. This is about you and me, and what we want. I want us to be public, what do you want?"

"I want to be with you."
She says bringing her hands up to my face. I grab them and bring them down.

"Being with me means we would be public, and I know you're scared, I'm not mad about that baby. I just want to be able to show you of is all. I'll be here for you no matter what."

She starts to smile with tears in her eyes, I hold her hands because I know she won't like this next part.

"But what I want is still valid, dating you has been amazing, but-"

"Please don't say it"

"Babe, I'm not breaking up with you. But I think slowing down a little  would be good for you to think about what you want"

"What do you mean slow down?"

"I mean like, not staying overnight at each other's houses anymore and no sex."

"How will that help?"
She asked, genuinely confused

"It'll help us get a little less attached to each other in case you decide you can't be with me anymore, and It'll give you some time to see what it'd be like without me around as often and if you want that more than going public... but don't forget that I will always be here for you."

"ok" she says sadly with tears running down her face.

Seeing her so hurt is making me feel really bad, my heart wants to be with her but not in this way.

Choni One Shots | smutty, fluffy, angstyWhere stories live. Discover now