Trailer Trash - Angst/Fluff

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"Toni I'm sorry, please open the door"

"What you said hurt me Cheryl! Me and my friends... and you let them talk about us like that. I can't believe you"

I fucked up really bad. Today at school me and some other Northsiders were picking on the Serpents and the Southside

*Cue flashback*

Cheryl POV:

"I don't know how anyone could live on the Southside, it's just so trashy, it's gross"

Betty said fake gagging before biting her sandwich

"Obviously it doesn't bother you enough to not eat"

Jughead said glaring at her
Betty just rolls her eyes.
I look to my left and see Toni bitting the inside of her cheek and looking really sad. I put my hand on hers to let her know I don't agree with them.

"And don't even get me started on the 'Southside Serpents'-"

"Please, you mean the thugs?"

"They're nothing but druggies, lowlifes an-"

Toni sighs in frustration and rolls her eyes.

"Ummm.. excuse me we're having a conversation here"

"A really dumb and stereotypical one"
She mumbled

"What was that? Hunny you're going to have to speak up"
Toni just looks at her

"I said you're going to have to speeeaak uuup."
Veronica said slowly, obviously insulting her intelligence.

"I don't know why you keep her around really. Nothing but trailer trash"
Archie said to me

"Oh she's- she's just uh, great eye candy"

Toni looks at me with furrowed eyebrows and disgust. I look at my friends who are laughing lightly while watching me and Toni, I shrug at her, disregarding her feelings.

"Just because you bitches grew up privileged with your silver spoons and happy childhoods with both parents in a house with a pet, paid bills and three meals does NOT mean that anything less than that is awful. Some of us had to struggle-"


"No Archie! Shut the hell up, I'm talking. You hear that I'm taaaaalkiiinggg"
She says mocking Veronica

"Don't talk to my man like that"
Veronica defends

"Oh I'm sorry, Archiekins please be quiet while I try to explain to you all the lifestyle that is.. poor. Or as y'all like to call it the 'less fortunate' at least I was fortunate enough to grow up around people  who not only minded their own business but would help others with the little they had. And I'm not saying because you have the money you should help but seriously you could at least mind your own business."

Toni POV:

Sweat Pea and Fangs come over to me
"Everything ok Tiny?"
"Yeah, I was just leaving"
Cheryl tries to grab my hand as I grab my bag but I snatch it away and say
"I'd expect this from them but you, really?"
"Toni I-I just- I-"
"Save your breath Cheryl"
And then I walk away, Cheryl doesn't even bother following me, I'm hurt but not surprised, you see how difficult it was for her to apologize to me? When were along she'll show me affection and I love that version of Cheryl, but this.. almost manipulative version of Cheryl is nothing but unhealthy. The way she'll talk shit about me or my family while holding my hand, is like a slap on the face 'soothed' with a kiss.

I didn't go home right away it would make me look weak, like I cared about their opinions. So I stayed for the rest of my classes, there were three left and Cheryl was in 2 of them. She'd turn and look at me, smile, point to her phone, blow me a kiss anything to get my attention. I looked at my phone and saw 12 messages from Cheryl

Cherbear🧸🥰 TT, baby I'm sorry
Cherbear 🧸🥰 Toni
Cherbear🧸🥰 I know you felt the buzz
Cherbear🧸🥰 Really, you just turned your ringer on, you're so petty
Cherbear🧸🥰I want to apologize
Cherbear🧸🥰 ...To your face. Meet me outside?
Cherbear🧸🥰 TT babyyyyy please text me back. I'm sorry I had to act like that

"had" to act like that. No you didn't have to. You could have walked away, corrected them, told them to stop or you know anything besides agree and stay silent.

Cherbear🧸🥰 How can I make it up to you, cuddles, dinner date, pops, shopping?
Cherbear🧸🥰 Toni please you know I don't want to treat you like that. I'm the HBIC.
Cherbear🧸🥰 We could have a movie date? I know you love those
Cherbear🧸🥰Toni I love you, don't forget it please
Cherbear🧸🥰 I know I deserve this but I am trying to apologize

The bell rang I quickly grabbed my things but when I turned around Cheryl was standing in front me
"Toni, I'm sorry"
She grabs my hips and kisses my neck
"I'm sowwy" she looks at me with puppy dog eyes.
I kiss her, she moves her hands from my hips to my face. I take them off and hold her wrists in my hands as I pull away and slightly run to my bike and head to my trailer.

Ughhh why do I have to be in love with herrruh I ask myself as I bury me head in a pillow. I hear the trailer door open and I know it's Cheryl I quickly get up and lock my bedroom door. She rattles the handle, just go away!

"Toni I'm sorry please open the door"

"What you said hurt me Cheryl!Me and my friends... and you let them talk about us like that. I can't believe you!"

"Baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let them talk about the Southside like that. And as for me, I'm sorry I said you were just eye candy. I didn't mean it, you're way more to me than just eye candy Toni. I'm in love with you and I plan on marrying and having kids with you... I'm also sorry for not considering or acting like I didn't care about your feelings.

I open the door still wrapped in my blanket.

"That's cute" she says
I lay back down on my bed. She kneels in front of me and kisses my forehead
She says pulling her phone out of her pocket.
FaceTiming her group chat with: Betty, Veronica and Archie.
"Hey Cher"
"Where are you? Looks like the Southside, you can tell by the-"
"Shut up Archie-"
"Veronica. Everyone be quiet for a second I have something to say. I don't want anyone from this group talking about the Serpents the Southside, their living spaces or their lifestyles. My amazing girlfriend is right, none of us know what it's like to struggle so shut your mouth and don't talk about it anymore. Or you'll regret it, you know your future, social life-"
"We get it Cheryl"
Betty cuts me off.
And she hung up. I immediately kissed her.
"I love you"
"Im not done yet"
She takes my phone and dials jughead, Fangs and Sweetpea in a group chat
"Hello, this is Cheryl and- before you hand up I want to apologize" she rushed. I'm sorry my friends talked about the Southside like that. I will try to make sure it never happens again." She waits a moment and hangs up.
" I will try to make sure it never happens again" she repeated to me
"And I love you"
"I love you"
She got on the bed and I cuddled into her

"... so about that marriage part.."

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit I got food poisoning.
Applebee's 😒 
Tip: don't get the fish and chips
( Don't judge me it was cheap and it sounded good at the time😭😭)
And it wasn't even good either. I'm not one to complain but gah damn, shit tasted like a hush puppy my grandma took me. She thought I was being dramatic, tastes it and goes "that shit nasty" 😭😭

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