Sneaky Link Gone Wrong - Angst/Smut

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Rough/Angry smut ⚠️
-Biting, scratching...

Cheryl walked out of her girlfriend's house to meet up with her sneaky link, Toni.

"I'm gonna miss you, babe!" Her blonde haired girlfriend yelled from the doorway.

"I'll miss you more, cupcake!" Cheryl cringed at the nickname her girlfriend wanted to be called as she unlocked her car door and got in.

To Heather's knowledge, Cheryl was going home to study for the exam she had tomorrow. An exam that didn't exist. And that she damn sure didn't need to study for. But still, Heather sent Cheryl home with homemade brownies and leftover spaghetti.

A part of Cheryl did feel guilty for doing her girlfriend so dirty while she treated her like a Queen.

She was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Whenever she thought of Heather she thought of the love she feels for her but when she thinks of Toni her pussy throbs.

She was riding down the street when she heard her phone ding, she looked down at her lap and saw Toni texting her.

Ms. Robinson (Math professor)
You on your way yet, beautiful?

She responded with a plain 'yeah' as the guilt took over her body.

Cheryl parked her red convertible outside of Toni's apartment complex and texted Toni to open the door. Soon enough, the brunette was outside in a button up with a tank top underneath, paired with ripped jeans, her form of dressing up.

"What's the special occasion?" Cheryl asked as she looked Toni up and down. The short girl just smiled and took Cheryl's bag from her. She held the door open for the redhead who's jaw dropped upon her entrance.

"Toni, what is this?" Cheryl was almost irritated at the romantic setup Toni had around the apartment.

"Did you not tell her?"

"No, did you?"


"Then you realize how ridiculous this is don't you?"

"I don't understand, you came over so we could sleep together did you not?"

"I did but I have a girlfriend. Please just leave the romantic stuff out of our relationship!"

"Okay, I'm sorry. I just wanted to change things up a little." Toni said as she blew out the candles on the coffee table and turned the lights up.

She sighed and ran a hand through her curly pink and brown locks.

"That was kind of rude of you to be honest." Toni chuckled light heartedly, not really meaning to do any harm.

"Antoinette, I've asked you countless times not to do the romantic stuff. It was a sweet gesture the first time but I'm telling you I'm uncomfortable and you keep doing it regardless."

"It makes me feel like I'm not being heard, I have enough of that in my day to day life. So just please, on this one thing-"

"One thing? Cheryl I've changed so much in my life to accommodate for you. Don't ever pull that card-"

"So much like what? Aww I made you clean up your dirty fucking laundry. I'm such an awful person." Cheryl mocked as she made a fake pout.

"You're so insensitive."

"And you're a hypocrite"

"A hypocrite?"

"Yes a hypocrite! You do everything you tell me not to"

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