Better Than Video Games - Smut

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Cheryl wants Toni's attention as Toni plays video games.

No G!P
-Oral stimulation (👅 + ☝🏽)

Cheryl POV

"Toni, you've been gaming all day, can you at least show me some attention?"

"Babe, I haven't been playing all day- res me!... I let you have your fun and don't bug you. It's not fair for you to- Sweets, behind you!- tell me when I can or can't do things, I don't do it to you."

"I understand that but getting my nails done takes an hour and I text you when I get the chance. I'm sitting right behind you feeling invisible..."

She sighed before turning back to me.
"You're right, I'm sorry" she took her headphones off and crawled into my lap, gently laying her head on my chest. My smile lasted for about 45 seconds until she turned back to the TV and started another round.

"Are you serious?"

"Sorry Cher, the guys need me for a full squad."

I sighed and sunk back into the pillows, thinking of ways to show Toni that there are better things than video games.

Toni hasn't always been this way, addicted. I've always been her number one and her Xbox stayed wayyy far down on the list. We'd do normal couple things obviously, go on dates to the movies, pops, the skating ring or wherever but her Xbox slowly became more important to her. I didn't complain though, I knew video games were a part of her childhood and that they brought her happiness so I decided to try and learn for her.

I bought a console and she excitedly taught me how to play but SweetPea, who'd been saving up for his own Xbox came and replaced me. So now, she spends her time playing games and acting like I don't exist.

The amount of time she spends playing video games has slowly become a problem. I try and stay calm about it, but she's spending more and more time with the console and less time with me.

"No, you're just the pussy who got me killed last game" She sassed to the guys on the other end.

Oh! And that's another thing, pussy. Our sex life, rather. Her behavior is a complete turn off. A turn on for me is quality time, cuddling together and being shown that I'm cared for... so our sex life is suffering as well.

But... Recently I've seen these tik tok videos (because the government or whoever listens to everything) where a girl will sneak under her partner's desk and... you know. Now even though her behavior isn't a turn on, maybe this is the perfect way to get her attention. I smirked at my plan and got off of my bed, walking over to Toni's set up right in front of me. She sat on my ottoman with the TV mounted on the wall and her Xbox on the bookshelf underneath it.

I sat between her legs and laid my head in her lap, I felt her gently stroking my hair as I discreetly untied her sweatpants. I rolled my eyes as I heard her yelling at the game and her partners, I chose to ignore her shouting and stick to my 'mission' in getting her attention.

I got no reaction from her as I pulled her sweatpants all the way down her thighs and legs, until they were completely off and the AC suddenly became unpleasant cold to her.

"Cher, what are you doing?" She whispered, finally looking down at me.

When I didn't respond she let out an aggravated sigh and continued pressing buttons on her controller.

I scratched up and down her thighs a few times, starting right beneath her blue boy shorts and ending at her knee. She'd attempt to close her legs but was stopped by my hand, gripping and spreading her thighs farther apart. I traced my finger over the growing dark patch in her underwear, applying slight pressure to her clit.

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