Mistake - Angst

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I can't get it off of my mind.

Her lips on mine, her hands in my hair and hers on my waist. It felt so... wrong. I feel so guilty. I should've never kissed her knowing I have a girlfriend. If I could take it back, I would in a heartbeat but I can't and it's time I come clean.

I picked up my phone and dialed Toni's number, knowing it by heart even though I have her contact saved.

"Hey baby! I was just about to call you. What's up?"

"Can you come over, TT? I have something important to tell you."

"Okay?... uh is it bad?"

"Please just come to thistlehouse, love. I'll explain once you're here."

"Okay. I'll be there in 15 minutes." Toni said, still feeling unsure about the sudden weight she sensed was on Cheryl's shoulders.

"... I love you."  Toni said, breaking the silence of the phone call.

"I hope you still will" Cheryl thought but ultimately decided to say it back. She hung up the phone and sighed, letting herself fall helplessly into the mattress.

She could feel tears welling in her eyes, instead of wiping them she let them fall slowly down her cheeks. She thought she deserved this. She hated herself for what she did to Toni and knew that her girlfriend deserved better, knew that she could do better. And now she would, now that Cheryl will be out of the picture, Toni can have whoever she wants. And it hurts Cheryl, but she knows what she did was wrong.

As Cheryl thought of the different ways Toni could react, she heard a motorcycle speed toward her house. Usually the sound made her stomach flutter, but this morning it gave her anxiety.

Toni always used the spare key when she came over so it was no surprise when the redhead heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

She wiped her tears, took a deep breath and sat up. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Baby? Can I come in?"

Instead of replying, Cheryl stood up and opened her bedroom door, seeing Toni with helmet hair and her boots in hand

"Hey beautiful" Toni smiled making Cheryl feel so much more guilt.

Cheryl leaned forward and kissed Toni on the forehead, taking her shoes from her to put them on her shoe rack as she usually does.

"You wanted to talk?" Toni asked, slightly out of breath from running through the house and up the stairs.

"Yeah, I- I did."

"And it's something bad, isn't it?"

"Mmmhm" Cheryl sat next to Toni on the foot of her bed. She looked to the ground as she ignored the way Toni tried to make eye contact with her.

""Cher?" Toni put her ring covered fingers on her girlfriend's thigh, squeezing comfortingly.

"Whatever it is, I am always here for you. You can tell me anything"

"I know that, and that's why I don't deserve you."

"Baby, don't say that." Toni said as she pulled Cheryl's head to her shoulder gently, kissing the top of her head.

"You deserve someone better, TT. Someone who doesn't give into temptation." Cheryl said as she stood up and moved away from Toni

"What do you mean by that, Cheryl?" The confused brunette asked as she leaned back on her arms, watching her girlfriend pace around the room nervously. Toni always had a calm demeanor about her, which was surprising in a moment like this.

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