Teenage Love - Fluff

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Disclaimer: This is NOT my original idea.

I was scrolling on TikTok when this popped up

I was scrolling on TikTok when this popped up

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So that's where inspiration stuck. Also this is really short but still cute

Toni's POV:

After waiting at least 2 minutes for Cheryl to open the front door, I decided to just use the spare key under the pot. I opened the door to see a neat inside, something Cheryl always made sure of.

"Babe?" I called through the house

"I'm my room!" I heard her yell back. I smiled and ran up the stairs and into her room.

"Hey babe."

"Hi TT" Her beautiful face turned to me, her hair was up in a messy bun and she was in sweats. AKA her studying attire

"Whatcha workin' on?" I asked as I kicked my shoes off and crashed down onto her bed.

"Careful T, my papers" she mumbled, pulling paper from underneath me,

"Oh, sorry."

"It's fine" She moved the papers to one side and typed something into her calculator before looking up at me.

"What?" I asked as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Cheryl didn't respond, she just leaned in and pecked my lips before going back to sit with her legs crossed.

I smiled as I started scrolling on my phone. Responding to texts, laughing at TikToks on low volume for the sake of Cheryl focusing. I didn't have a test to study for because she's in AP math and I'm in regular, I have an A in the class but not necessarily advanced enough for AP classes.

I grabbed a pop tart out of my book bag and started eating one, I felt Cheryl glaring at me as I dropped some crumbs on her bed.

"I luhh youuuu" I said with my mouth full. She just smiled and looked back at her paper.

I broke off half of one of my two pastries and held it up to her mouth, she backed away but knowing her she hadn't eaten since school ended 2 hours ago.

She stopped putting up a fight and I gently pushed it between her lips.

"How long have you been working on this for?"

"Mmm... like, an hour maybe." She sat up and cracked her back before picking up her pencil and attempting another equation.

"Wanna go see a movie this weekend?"


"Which one?"


"Is your favorite color red?"


"Is your hair blue?"


"Is your last name Topaz?"

"Yeah, babe."

"Are you madly in love with me?"


I smiled and sat next to her, kissing the top of her head softly. I know she wasn't listening to a word I said.

"You can go home if you want, I know I'm being boring."

"No, babe. It's fine. I like spending time with you."

"But we're not doing anything." She said as she pulled out a packet of papers after closing her notebook.

"I'm enjoying your company, sweetheart."

She smiled at me, kissing my cheek before moving off the bed and to her desk in the corner of her room.

"Aww man."

"I'm sorry, love. I have this last assignment for English class then I'm all yours, I promise you."

"Okay" I laid back on her silk pillows and looked up at the small chandelier above her bed. I traced the route of where it would land if it fell, sucking my teeth when realizing it would fall right on top of me.

Then I got a snap from Fangs, he was sending me a picture of him and Kevin ice skating. I responded saying how adorable they were and how we had to go on a double date sometime.

Then I started thinking about Cheryl and I's dates. The skating rink, Ice Cream shop, pops, the drive in, the movie theatre,  our trip to the mountains. Good memories with the woman I love most. My heart was full and I was content with my life. Finally stress free. Finally in love.

I felt my eyes lids get heavy but managed to look at Cheryl one last time, smiling before falling asleep.

Cheryl's POV

I closed all of my notebooks and put them back in my bookbag, sighing at the 2 hours I wasted on school instead of spending them with my girlfriend. I looked back at Toni, ready to apologize for the 20th time, but seeing she was fast asleep. Her brown hair sprawled all around my red pillows, her mouth slightly open as her chest rose and fell steadily.

I smiled at how cute she looked even with Pop Tart crumbs around her lips. I sighed and took my bun out as it was now causing my a headache from how tight it was. I carefully walked to my nightstand and grabbed Toni's bonnet from the drawer. I put it on her head to protect her curly hair before crawling into bed slowly as to not wake Toni. When I was settled on her chest I felt her wrap her arm around me. She was still asleep but I held onto her hand. Everything felt right.

Toni's POV

I woke up feeling weight on the middle of my chest/stomach area. I looked down to see red hair belonging to no one other than Cheryl. I felt her warm hand in mine and smiled knowing that she finished her work and came to lay with me.

"I love you, baby." I whispered to the sleeping beauty. I rubbed her back as I did so.

"I love you more." I heard her say as she squeezed my hand lightly.

Cheryl climbed up my chest higher, wrapping her arms around me, I wrapped mine around her back and kissed her forehead. I felt her breathing steady as my eyelids became heavy once again, I started to drift off hearing her light snores by my ear. I was happy she was finally at peace, not stressing over anything as she laid in my arms. We cuddled to sleep being in our happy places. Experiencing teenage love so pure, so strong.

It was finally my time. My time to feel happy. My time to be cared for. My time to be truly in love.

Just reminding y'all of what you don't have 😁

Neither do I 😒

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