Shaving - Fluff

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Toni and Cheryl teach their 15 year old son how to shave

Also TW⚠️ I don't know if reading about blades is triggering but this will have blades in it so there is your warning.


Toni POV:

"You wouldn't understand!"

"You need to relax Jayden!"

"No mom I need help shaving my face and you two don't have any facial hair or experience to be able to show me!"

I'm upstairs editing photos when I hear Cheryl and Jayden, our son arguing downstairs

"You seriously need calm down and stop yelling at your mother"
I say walking down the stairs

"But Ma, I need to learn how to shave"

"Is yelling at your mother going to teach you how to shave?"

"No ma'am"

"Alright then, apologize and let's try this whole thing over again."

He takes a deep breath, and Cheryl uncrosses her arms.

"I'm sorry mom, I shouldn't have yelled at you. I just need help shaving, do you think you can help me?"

"I can but your mama would probably do a better job than me"

"How come?"
He asked

"I used to help my grandpa shave when he got too old to do it himself."
I explained gently

"Oh, well can you help me, please?"

"Yeah let's go to the store."

Still Toni POV:

We all got back from the store, where we ended up getting a new football, bike helmet and a nerf gun for no reason other than, why not?

"Alright I'm going to look up a video you go set everything up"

"I thought you already knew how to do this stuff mom"

"I mean yeah, but grandpa thought the skin care part was 'too feminine' so he skipped it. But you need to take care of your skin"

"Alright" He said before running upstairs with the shopping bags in hand.

"Look at you being a mom"
Cheryl said walking up to me, placing her hands behind my neck

"Umm, I got razors for all of us"

"For what facial hair TT?"

"Just take the blade out"
She looked at me questionably

"It's for our son, babe"


After setting everything up in the bathroom, Jayden put his blade in the razor and we kept ours out.

We started off by rubbing some type of oil on our faces, don't ask me, ask SweetPea. After that we put some weird squeeze bottle shaving cream in a little bowl. When we squeezed it out it made a little fart sound, making us all burst out laughing for no reason.

When we stopped laughing we took a shaving brush and rubbed in the shaving cream, then applied it to our faces in circular motions.

"This tickles"
Jayden giggled

Cheryl was cringing at the sound, and I was flinching at the weirdest feeling ever being on my face.

"Let's take a photo"
Cheryl suggested

We all posed for a few silly pictures, one of them we all stood like statues in really weird positions in another we all stood still, staring into the camera. We laughed hysterically at her those. I got my camera and we took actual smiley photos.

We got back into shaving Cher and I breezing through it because we had no facial hair or blade in the razor. Jayden was still kinda struggling.

"You good Jay?"

"Yeah I just don't want to cut myself"

"Well just go slow and stay calm."
Cher said.

After a minute he asked Cher to
help him get the underneath of his chin. While she did that they had a small conversation. And I snuck a photo of them. A very adorable photo might I add.

We finally finished shaving and cleaning up.

"You look very handsome"
I told him.

"Thanks ma."
He said and hugged me

"What are you doing mom?"
He asked Cheryl who was checking her skin to see if she had any pimples showing up.

"Get in here"
He said pulling us all into a group hug.

Cheryl POV:

"Unless you want to be late you need to get in here!"
I yell to Jayden.

He has a date with a girl tonight and wants me to help him shave before he goes.

He walks in the bathroom shirtless, I helped him shave and Toni comes in the bathroom with his ironed button up shirt and dress pants on a hanger with a belt in hand.

"Yoooo what did I do?!"

"What do you mean, son?"
She asks walking closer Jay starts to fidget around blocking his butt.

"What are you- Jay I'm not about to whoop you, you're wearing this to your dinner date."

We both sang and laughed as he blushed.
"Thanks moms"
He said taking the clothes and pushing us out of the bathroom.

We look at each other and start giggling.

"Dinner date" we repeat

Toni puts her arm around my waist and we walk downstairs.

I love our adorable little family.


This is shorter than normal but there wasn't that much to do with it, even though I thought it was rlly cute.

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