My turn to top - smut

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Use of: Strap, degrading, handcuffs and hair pulling. Cheryl tops.

Cheryl and Toni had been dating for almost a year. Every time they had been intimate Toni was the top and Cheryl was allowing herself to be a pillow princess. Cheryl loved sex with Toni but wanted to switch things up a bit. They had cheerleading practice today and Toni was purposefully bending down in front of and teasing Cheryl. She tried her best to ignore the girl's actions but couldn't help but get turned on.

When they got home Cheryl had enough. She wasn't the only one drooling over Toni at practice and it made her angry. Toni knew this, she secretly wanted Cheryl to be more dominant in bed but was too afraid to ask. Toni continued with the teasing, took her shirt off and sat at the table to do her homework. Cheryl was upstairs trying to prepare for her first time dominating over Toni, with the "ok" of course. When she came downstairs and saw a shirtless Toni and couldn't help but gasp. Toni heard this and responded

"Like what you see Blossom?"
The tone in her voice was a give away that she had wanted attention and Cheryl didn't want anything more than to give it to her.

"You know I do."
She said walking into the dining room with the girl. Toni stood up and went to trap Cheryl against the wall. Cheryl stopped her, turned her around so her back was against the wall. She pinned both of her hands above her head.
"Tell me if you want to stop Antoinette."
Cheryl was all about consent and wanted Toni to feel safe.


The girl managed to let out as Cheryl sucked small purple makings on her neck in very visible places. Toni knew they'd be seen tomorrow in school but didn't care, she thought it was very hot.
"Since you like to act like a slut go upstairs, strip and keep your legs open wide. I'm going to take you how I want today."

They made their way up the stairs Toni in front. She wasn't walking normally but as if she were trying to put on a show for Cheryl. Cheryl slapped Toni's ass taking Toni by surprise. If actions like these kept up she would only be able to worry that she'd cum quick.

Toni stated to strip and Cheryl walked into their closet removing her clothes and putting on a strap on with a long black dildo attached and hand cuffs. She walked back into the room and saw Toni with her legs spread. She could see her dripping wet pussy and couldn't help but smirk.

"Who got you this messy baby?"
Toni could get off on Cheryl's voice alone.

"You did"
She breathed out.

"That's right baby, I know you like when I act like this. Make you my little slut."
Cheryl bent to softly kiss the girl on the lips.

"Remember the safe word?"

"Yes Cheryl, I do"


Was the last thing she said before kissing at the girl's stomach and thighs. She wanted to tease her enough to have Toni begging.

She kissed her inner thighs alternating between the two. Licked up her dripping wetness and stopped. She went up to kiss Toni. She whimpered as the girl crept her hands up her thigh.

She breathed out

"Yes, Antoinette?"
Toni didn't want to beg, not yet at least.

"Something you want?"
She said in a teasing way.

"Fuck, Cheryl I want you!"
She said as Cheryl rubbed the dildo through her folds gathering wetness.

"Say please"

"You can't be serious right now"

"No dick for you."

She said standing up.

Toni pulled her back down

"No! I mean... please Cheryl fuck me, fuck me like the slut I am."

That's all Cheryl needed to hear before cuffing the girls hands.

"Can't have these in the way"
She said. Next she roughly flipped her over and grabbed her ass. Toni whimpered at the touch.

"Are you ready Toni?"

"Yes.. just please"

Toni couldn't wait any longer she wanted to feel Cheryl. Cheryl lifted Toni's ass up and slowly inserted the dildo in her pussy. Toni let out a moan. Cheryl picks up the pace a little bit.

"Soooo good"
Toni moaned out.

"I knew you wanted this Toni, you wanted me to take you how ever I want. God, you're such a slut.

Cheryl sped up now pounding. The room was filled with moans from both of the girls. The stimulation on Cheryl's clit was way better than she could have imagined.

"Fuck, Cheryl AHH"

Cheryl reached up and grabbed a handful of Toni's hair bringing her head up out of the pillows.

"You like this? You like when I-
" Smack your ass, or-
She sped up
"Pound your pussy?"

Toni wanted to nod but couldn't the grip on her hair was too tight.

"Use your words slut"
She slowed down

" Y-Yess I- love it. Oh my Fuck!"
She screamed as Cheryl sped up inside her.

" You're so hot like this, letting me do what I want with you"
She whispered in her ear.

"Fuck, Cheryl I'm gonna cum!"
Right then she stopped and before she could beg for it back in she hears Cheryl.

"Ride it"
She commanded pointing to the dildo. Toni lowered herself shaking.

Cheryl helped Toni bring her hips down until she was sitting all the way on her lap. She didn't want to hurt her she just wanted to erase the pillow princess Toni saw in her. She started to bounce up and down. Almost falling off.

"Cheryl... the cuffs Please take them off. I need to touch you."

Cheryl wanted to feel Toni's touch anyways and took them off. Her hands immediately flew to the girls breasts. She was bouncing up and down much better now. Letting out loud moans and screams.

Cheryl lifted Toni by her ass and started thrusting really deep in her, she quickly found her g- spot and sped up.


Cheryl continued pounding at her pussy and roughly grabbing her ass.

"IM GONNA- Fuck Cheryl I'm going to cum!

"Let it go baby"

Toni came and shortly after so did Cheryl.

"Oh my god"
Toni panted

" I know right"

"That was... amazing"

"I know! Oh my god"

She was so excited she was so nervous going into this but now she feels great and would definitely do it again.

Oh my.. I can't I can't even rn I need holy water. First time writing smut like this.
Btw: nothing wrong with being a pillow princess, top Cheryl is just hot 🥵
1119 words

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