Counting on you - absolutely no clue

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Choni has a complicated relationship and the only thing holding them together is Toni being pregnant, obviously with Cheryl's child. When Cheryl realizes just how badly she needs Toni, will Toni take her back?

Idrk what this is but I got bored so yeah

Cheryl's intersex
Tiny bit of smut

Narrator POV

Toni and Cheryl weren't like other teenage couples. They hated each other, the only reason they were really together is because of the unborn child they have together. That's what they'd say if you asked them. "We have a baby together fangs, I can't just leave her" "She's my baby mama now, JJ, I can't just walk out on her" But they both knew the real reason was that they couldn't keep their hands off of each other.

"Oh my God, Cher. Please keep touching me" Toni panted as she lifted Cheryl's pale hands to touch her breasts.

"I got you baby, it's okay just relax." Cheryl gently caressed Toni's belly and carefully squeezed her boobs. She was sitting on her knees behind Toni and slowly thrusting her hips into her lover-girlfri-hookup-baby mama, we'll say.

She wanted to make sure Toni and the baby were all right, Toni was almost 8 months pregnant and Cheryl really didn't want to hurt the two.

"Just relax, can you do that for me?"

"Yeah, I can relax" Toni whispered, biting her lip when she felt soft lips press against her neck and collarbone.

"Cheryl I think I'm gonna cum already"

"It's okay, you're okay. Go ahead and cum if you need to. This is about you, don't worry about me"

"Kiss me" Toni turned her head to the side and let Cheryl peck her lips. Toni grabbed onto Cheryl's neck and slipped her tongue in her mouth. Small gasps and moans came from her as her first orgasm in almost a month took over her body.

The redhead pulled away from Toni and gently moved her box braids out of her face, kissing her temple and gently laying her on her back. She pulled out and laid by Toni's side, groaning when Toni's hand accidentally touched her erection.

"Thank you" The brunette whispered

"It's no problem. I'd do anything for you, you know that."

"Do I? Just last month you were telling me how much you hated me"

"I remember and I'm so sorry, you told me you forgave me for that but I can see it'll take more than my best efforts."

"Yeah" Toni agreed, turning around slowly so that her back was facing Cheryl.

"Why don't you love me, T?" The redhead asked out of curiosity and desperation.

"Because Cheryl, you've kept secrets from me. Your cousin, Betty, told me that" Toni groaned as she sat up on the bed, her feet handing off as she slipped into her nightgown and slippers.

"What'd she tell you?"

"Don't act surprised, Cheryl. Me and you both know you fuck any bitch who has a pussy."

"Ahhh, that's what she said? Toni if I fucked just anyone do you think I'd be this drawn to you?"

"I guess so"

"No seriously, you know we'd never have sex or make love or whatever you'd 
call what we just did. You know when I fuck you it's hard and fast but now you're pregnant and I care so I show it through gentle and caring sex. If I could fuck just anyone I wouldn't be changing the way I have sex for you."

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