Toni "cheats" - Angst

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•Toni is taller
Cheryl saw it, she saw it with her own fucking eyes. Her girlfriend was locking lips with.. with.. She didn't even know some random hoe at the bar.

Toni had invited her out to get a drink, chat it up and hopefully go home and hook up. But no, of course she had to go and ruin their night and their relationship.
Toni and Cheryl never had the smoothest relationship, Cheryl was jealous all the time and Toni was also the jealous type but also really overprotective. They were both really attractive so pretty much everyone drooled over them. They made a promise to never ever give into the flirting. But here we are, Toni clearly didn't care she had cheated on her and didn't even bother to cancel their date.

The image just kept replaying in her head
Cheryl's POV:
I strutted into the bar wearing tight black jeans and a red crop top. And there she was, her beautiful brown and pink locs, wearing her black leggings and a hoodie. But wait there's a girl she's... wait it can't be.. they're kissing?! The other girl seems to be really into the kiss pushing their faces together I flashed back to out first kiss so filled with passion, practically smashing our faces together. I couldn't handle this. I stormed out got into my car and drove to thistle house to pack her bags. She had to go. Tonight.

Toni's POV
I walked into the bar really feeling myself I planned on meeting Cheryl. Just thinking about her gives me butterflies. I sat down at the bar and got a sprite. It was 8:12 and Cheryl was supposed to get here at 8:30. A couple minutes had passed and a girl came over. She said a creepy man was catcalling, staring at and attempting to grope her. She frantically came up to me
"Hi, I need your help."
"What's the problem?"
"That guy he's trying to make a pass at me do you think you could... make it seem like I'm unavailable?"
"I wish I could help you but I have a girlfriend and I can't betray her trust."
Then the guy came over saying things like
"Hey ma, lemme tap that ass"
I could tell she was really scared the closer he got the more she started to freak out.
"I'm sorry"
Was the last thing she said before she kissed me. She kissed me like her life depended on it. And In a sense it did. I know men can be really scary. I have scars to prove it.

I never allowed myself to get into the kiss kept my hands away and eyes open. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him storm past.
He mumbled something under his breath. She heard him and pulled away.
"I'm really sorry, but thank you?"
"Yeah.. ok?"
She walked away. I called Cheryl it was now 8:40 and I started to worry and feel guilty.

Cheryl's POV:
*incoming call: "My love 😍"
I ignored it
*incoming call: "My love 😍"
"I have to change that name" she thought as she walked into her home.
*incoming call: "My love 😍"
I stormed upstairs and started to pack her bathroom items and hair products.
Ten she started to text me...

                      My love 😍

My love 😍: Baby?

My love 😍: Baby?

My love 😍: Cheryl are you ok?

My love 😍: You're worrying me... if you're seeing this please say something. I need to know you're okay.

Me: Why do you care?

My love 😍: Are you serious, I love you how could I not?

     * Incoming call: My love 😍 *

Me: Stop calling. I will block you.

My love 😍 : I'm coming home.

Cheryl's POV:

Great now she'll delay my packing.
Toni just got here. I heard her slam her keys on the counter and call out for me.
"Where are you love?"
She opened the door and found me in our bathroom. I couldn't bring myself to pack anything other than her toothbrush and robe that was hanging on the door. I was sitting on the floor bawling my eyes out, my makeup was running. I spent an hour and a half perfecting it just to feel extra hot tonight.
"Cher, baby.. what's wrong"
She asked
"Really Toni? Are you kidding me!
I snapped
"You know what the fuck you did!"
"No Cheryl I obviously don't!"
I scoffed and got up and stepped close to her
"I never should have trusted you."

Toni's POV
"I never should have trusted you"
Those words cut deep.
"You can't possibly mean that"
I said tearing up
"Oh but I do"
She tried to walk away but I grabbed her arm and spun her around.
"Cheryl talk to me. Please. Tell me what I did. How can I fix it?"
"Toni, you have to be kidding... this must be normal behavior for you then"
"What must be normal behavior Cheryl!?"
She stormed off.
I found her on the couch drinking alcohol. I quickly grabbed it from her and she slapped me.

Cheryl's POV:
I didn't mean to slap her I just did.
"Toni I-"
I immediately regretted it, I felt so bad.
Wait a minute.
"You can't believe me! Toni I can't believe you, you knew all about my trust and abandonment issues!-"
I didn't know I slapped her that hard but she walked over to the freezer and got an ice pack.
I walked over to her trying to keep my cool.
"TONI- Toni, why did you do it?"
"Tonight at the bar... there was this girl. She was freaking out because a guy was trying to make a pass at her so she used me to make it look like we were dating.
"And you let her?"
"No she did it before I could react I told her about you and she just said "I'm sorry" and kissed me."

Toni's POV:
I told Cheryl the truth about what happened and she had an "are you deadass" look on her face.
"You don't believe me do you"
"Toni I really want to I just..."
"You weren't there, and you can't tell if I'm lying. I know"
I stood up and grabbed my keys, Cheryl seemed disappointed by this like she expected more from me.
I wasn't leaving I just had to get proof.
"Cheryl, let's go"
I said softly.
She seemed hesitant but I was really running out of patience so I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.
"Toni put me down"
"We're going to get proof"
"Don't tell me you kept her number Antoinette!
"Of course I didn't!, the bartenders has to have seen it"
They walked into the bar.

Cheryl POV:
I knew Toni knew everyone there and could get anyone to lie for her. But this guy was clearly new he was fumbling all over the place and spilling drinks so maybe she didn't know him.
"Hello sir"
"What can I getcha red hot?"
"This is my girlfriend. Have you seen her here?"
"Yeah she was here earlier, she got rid of that jackass. I kept getting complaints about him."
"Made him mad, kissed his girl I guess."
"She kissed me" Toni budded in.
A sigh of relief escaped both of our mouthes as we walked out of the bar. We got home and immediately went to bed. Falling asleep within minutes.

1255 words

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