Baby Pranking

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⚠️Some Smut in the beginning

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⚠️Some Smut in the beginning.
Toni G!P

"God babe, I can't get enough of you." Toni groaned as she watched Cheryl's ass bounce up and down her length.

"Yeah? You think tonight'll be the night?"

"Fuck, if you keep fucking my dick like that, hell yeah." Toni dropped her head back and put her hands on Cheryl's ass, feeling her tip throb and ropes of cum shoot into her wife's pussy.

Usually cumming inside of a girl is bad, but it this case it was what the couple wanted. They'd been trying for a baby for about a month and now that they stopped using condoms and Cheryl was off of birth control, they were optimistic that they'd be welcoming a baby into the world.

"Fuck, baby" Toni moaned again as Cheryl took every bit of cum inside of her.

"Who knows, maybe after tonight we'll have a mini us running around." Cheryl said as she laid on Toni's chest, gently running her finger between Toni's breasts.

"I hope so babe. I can't wait to start a family with you." Toni kissed Cheryl's forehead and they cuddled off to sleep, hoping Cheryl was finally pregnant.

And if she wasn't, they'd do it again, over and over like they had been for the past month. During Cheryl's ovulation period and any other night they were in the mood.

And two weeks later...




Cheryl had tears pouring down her face and made no effort to stop them. She wanted to immediately call Toni but knew the brunette wanted to be surprised.

"Oh God" She sobbed, "We're gonna have a baby." She held one of the three tests in her hands, cherishing the small tool that's told her the best news of her entire life, aside from Toni proposing to her.

She picked up her phone, needing to tell someone immediately.

"Hey girl, what's up?"

"Would you believe me if I said I was pregnant?"

Time skip

"There's no way! Congratulations Cher!" Veronica squealed, hugging Cheryl tightly.

"Congratulations cousin, I'm happy for you and Toni." Betty smiled, giving her cousin a warm hug. Her own pregnant belly pushing up against her.

"But guys... it's not Toni's." Cheryl confessed, unable to maintain eye contact with the disappointed women.

"Cheryl, are you serious? Toni has been nothing but amazing to you, how could you betray her like that?"

"Seriously, I thought you'd take a page out of your own book. Remember all those times you threatened me not to be unfaithful to Betts and this is what you do?"

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