Make it official - fluff

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Description: Cheryl and Toni finally make their relationship official. Hope you like it 😌

At Thistle house

"Will you go out with me?"
I shook my head

"Hey Toni, wanna go to Pops?"
Ok not so bad

"Me, you, pops at 7"
Who am I?

"Be my girlfriend?"
Too straightforward

"Fuck me?"
Wayyy too straightforward

"No. No. No, Cheryl come on"

Right now I'm thinking of a way to ask out Toni Topaz. Yes, the HBIC of Riverdale High is nervous, whatever. But let's be real, it's Toni Topaz she's a goddess, a badass and I want to go on a date with her. More specifically I want to be her girlfriend. I want to able to walk the halls of Riverdale High hand in hand serving gay looks.

But in order to do that I have to 1) talk to her in person. And no, that's simply not happening. Or 2) confess my feeling for her. Which will absolutely not be happening either. This is going to be harder than I thought.

Oh and FYI I am NOT practicing in my mirror


At Riverdale high
I just got out of my car, standing ahead of me is Toni Topaz herself. She's leaning against her bike surrounded by her friends, Sweet Pea and Fangs. She just looks so badass right now and not to mention the sun is hitting her perfectly like an angel sent from-

"Hey Cherbear" she said walking up to me, kissing my cheek.

"Hi Toni" I blushed

"Everything ok, you looked kinda out of it."

Yeah. No just fantasizing about us.

"Yeah I'm ok TT"

"Ok just checking, care to walk me to class?"
She said in a British accent

"Of course"

Toni and I are sitting in English class across the room from each other. And yes I'm still gawking at her.

TT😘: You're staring, bombshell

Cherbear😍: I can't help it you look so damn fine today

Where did THAT confidence come from?

TT😘: When do I not? 🤨😠

Cherbear😍: You look absolutely gorgeous everyday❤️

I look over and see her blushing. Keep it up Cheryl

TT😘: You're so sweet bae

I know she didn't mean the "bae" like that but I wish she did. Ok thats enough texting for now.


Now Toni and I are in wood shop, I personally didn't want to join but Toni likes things like this so I did it for her. I think we're supposed to be making a stepping stool.

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