Run your mouth - smut

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Toni G!P
Hair pulling
Daddy kink

Toni is doing her school work sitting in the living room. Cheryl has been a brat all day complaining about Toni focusing more on her school work then the red headed beauty. Cheryl has been teasing Toni all day as well. Bending down in front of her, sitting on her lap and whispering the things she wanted Toni to do to her in her ear. Toni just about had enough when Cheryl came down the stairs again whining
"Baby please come watch TV with me or something."
"I'm sorry Cheryl give me 20 minutes"
"No baby you've had all day, don't you want to look at something better. Or someone sexier?"
"Cheryl stop"
"Or what, you gonna punish me?"
"Stop running your mouth before I  put it to work"
"Do it then."
That was enough, not only was she teasing her she was messing with Toni's dominant side.

Toni stood up and slowly walked to the girl.
"You'd like that wouldn't you slut?"
Cheryl moaned at Toni's words
"Yes Toni I would."
Toni kissed the girl roughly, slightly choking her as well. She pushed her down on her knees.
"What did I say? You know what to do."
And she did Cheryl unbuckled Toni's belt and pulled her boxers down with her pants causing her 11 inch hard dick to come up and hit her stomach.

Cheryl made eye contact with Toni as she slid the girl's dick into her mouth bobbing her head back and forth. Shoving most of her cock down her throat she kept eye contact with Toni as she sucked her cock. Toni was moaning loudly, Cheryl's mouth was magic.
"Fuck baby"
Cheryl kept working her magic and Toni was getting closer and closer to her climax.
Toni tangled her hands into the girls hair.
"Oh f-fuck baby I'm gonna c-cum"
Cheryl took her mouth off of Toni's dick and opened her mouth wide for Toni's cum.
"Oh baby, OH CHERYL" Toni screamed as she came. Cheryl looked satisfied off of what she's just done to her girlfriend.
"Get up"
Cheryl listened
Toni grabbed her hips and pushed her over the couch. She pulled her skirt and panties down leaving her ass and pussy exposed.
"You have the prettiest pink pussy I've ever seen baby"
Toni rubbed Cheryl's ass and licked the girls pussy
"Oh Toni!"
She moaned.
"Don't think I forgot about your punishment baby. Let's see how quiet you can be while I fuck you"
Toni lines herself up with Cheryl entrance and pushed all of herself into the girl. Causing Toni to let out a moan
"Your pussy is so good baby"
Toni slaps Cheryl's ass causing her to jerk forward.
"Don't move Cheryl"
Toni pounded into Cheryl at an extremely fast pace.
"Oh YESSS baby! Fuck"
Toni moaned
"Your pussy is so tight baby, you make my dick feel so good. Ugh! Fuck Cher shit!"
"You're being such a good girl Cheryl, why do you like to be a brat so much when you can get rewarded for being a good girl?, you can speak"
"I don't know Toni"
"You do know so tell me"
"I like the at- attention" she moaned.
"You only act like a bad girl but we both know all it takes is a hand around your throat and you'll do anything I want" she said slapping her ass and going deeper into the girls pussy
"Oh fuck daddy!"
"Did I say you could speak?"
"No daddy"
Toni pulled her dick out of Cheryl.
"Go upstairs." She demanded
Toni had Cheryl tied up her thighs pressing against her stomach and her hands cuffed behind her head.

"You look so pretty baby, ready for me to do what I want to you, are you ready?"
"Yes daddy"
Toni slid herself back into Cheryl giving her a moment to adjust, she started to fuck Cheryl at an animalistic speed
"Oh daddy!"
"Ugh, daddy OH- OH MY fuck"
"You're so tight baby"
The room was filled with moans and skin slapping.
Toni could feel that Cheryl was about to cum "beg me to cum like a good girl"
"Can I please cum daddy? Please, please!"
"Why should I let you? You were being very naughty earlier today."
"I'm sorry daddy I won't do it again! Just please"
"That's what you said last time baby"
"Toni- PLEASE I'm sorry. Will you please let me cum I can't hold it."
"You'll cum after I do"
Toni slowed to prevent herself from cumming while Cheryl, although not getting her pussy pounded anymore was still very filled.
"Please go faster Toni"
Toni ignored her and stayed at the same pace
"PLEASE TONI use me as your fucktoy use me for your pleasure go faster fuck my pussy up use it daddy! use me please!"
"What a good little slut."
Toni began fucking her at an extremely fast pace the bed was squeaking and shaking. The headboard hitting the wall over, and over and over again. Cheryl's walls started to clench around Toni's cock sending her over the edge
"OH FUCK CHERYL" she said as she filled the girl up with her cum.
"Can I cum now?"
"Yes baby you did so good
Cheryl screamed Toni sped up and she came.
Thy both calmed down. And Toni untied and uncuffed Cheryl.

"Round 2?" Cheryl asked
"Hell yeah"
Cheryl got on all fours facing the headboard. Toni grabbed Cheryl's hips as she entered her both of them letting out moans.
Toni moved her hands to the headboard and gripped it as hard as she needed to.

"Fuck baby you're so big"
"OH I love this pussy! Who does this pussy belong to?"
She yelled.
"Who fills your pussy up the best baby?"
"You do daddy- ugh"
Toni watched as the girls red hair spilled all over her back as she pushed her face down into a pillow
"Uh uh Cheryl" She said pulling her head up by her hair.
"Trying to hide your moans baby? Why? I have no problem letting you hear how good you make me feel. Why can't you let me hear you?"
"Huh? You embarrassed? Don't be embarrassed that I make you feel good. Are you embarrassed?
"Answer me!" she yelled slapping Cheryl's ass really hard.
"I am a little bit embarrassed"
"What's embarrassing is how many times I've almost came just looking at you naked. Not even having to be touched, just by looking that's how sexy you are.
Toni gripped Cheryl's hair a little rougher and a gush of wetness spilled out onto her dick.
"Oh you like that baby?"
"Yes Toni"
You like me manhandling you like this while I fuck you from behind?
"Oh fuck yes Toni, I love it"
Toni wrapped Cheryl's hair around one hand and used the other to grip her hip.
"Toni I'm gonna cum"
"Me too baby, go ahead"
They both came, collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

Short ending 😂 I haven't slept in... a lot of hours but as of right now this makes sense i might take it down when I start to think more normally.
And YOOOO 1K reads when I saw that I was shocked like damn I was expecting to write these and no one see it but Wow seeing that made me so happy 😭😭❤️

I'm also working on an actual story I have the first couple of chapters ready but I want it to get attention because I feel like it'll be good so I might wait to grow a little more? Not tryna make it big or anything (that's scary) but uh maybe just publishing it will get people to see it? It's a choni story btw.

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