Gays Do It Better - fluff

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"Baby!" Cheryl squealed with laughter as she pushed Toni's fingers away from her face

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"Baby!" Cheryl squealed with laughter as she pushed Toni's fingers away from her face. Choni and Varchie were sitting in a booth at Pops Diner, having a double date.

Toni took some whipped cream off of her milkshake and wiped it on her lover's nose.

"You'll be okay, boo." Toni chuckled as she pulled a pouting Cheryl closer to her, one arm around her shoulder as she kissed red hair.

"You guys are so cute" Veronica said as she continued to help Archie with his math homework. Cheryl, Toni and her had been finish with theirs since they helped each other during their dinner but Archie was too busy watching football highlights on his phone.

"So then you kinda just..." Veronica mumbled as she took Archie's pencil and scribbled in the final answer.

"Thanks" He huffed as he snatched the pencil away from the Latina and shoved his paper into his bookbag.

"Babe..." Veronica said, touching his arm over his letterman jacket.


"That wasn't really a proper thank you" she mumbled as she nudged him.

"Oh... I get what you mean. Don't worry baby, I got you later." He winked as he pushed his body against Ronnie and kissed her neck.

Veronica blushed and looked away, sort of embarrassed at her boyfriend. She loved when Archie got seductive, she had the hots for him and found it sexy but sometimes she just wants a hug. Sometimes she just wants someone to hold her instead of grab her ass, someone to kiss her cheeks instead of swallow her lips. Sometimes she just wants the cute relationship that Cheryl and Toni have, not as sexually charged as hers is.

"Okay, you two." Cheryl said as she gagged.

"Sorry, Ronnie wants it bad tonig-"

"No need to finish that sentence Archie." She huffed as she fixed her hair and crossed her arms.

"What's the problem now?" The redhead asked as he watched his girlfriend's pissed off expression.

"Nothing, Archie. Guys I think we should go now. I have a project to finish at home." Veronica rushed Archie to get his things and take a final bite of his burger while she pulled out a 20 dollar bill as a tip. When Archie clumsily got his stuff together, the couple stood up from the booth and walked out of the diner, the bell dinging when they opened the door.

"What's their problem?" Toni asked as she wrapped her arms gently around Cheryl's neck

"Not sure" Cheryl responded as she leaned back into her girlfriend.

"Looks like they're fighting outside" Cheryl observed as she peeked out of the window.

"Hmm, I'm glad we have the relationship that we do. We never argue in public." Toni kissed Cheryl's cheek making her teenage partner blush hard. The redhead picked up one of her still warm fries and fed it to Toni, knowing how much she loves Pops French fries. Toni gently took it out of Cheryl's fingers with her teeth, smiling as Cheryl watched her content, happy she had a girlfriend who treated her so kindly.

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