Meet The Teen - Angst/Fluff

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"Babe, are you sure about this?" Toni asked as she stopped on the front porch

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"Babe, are you sure about this?" Toni asked as she stopped on the front porch

"TT, relax. Don't let your nerves get to you"

"What if she doesn't like me?" The brunette asked as she stuffed a granola bar from her pocket into her mouth, she always ate when she was stressed.

"Baby, there's no way she won't like you. Okay? I raised her, she doesn't judge people." Cheryl brushed the crumbs off of her girlfriend's button up.

Toni was beyond nervous to meet Cheryl's 16 year old daughter. Before the redhead came out as a lesbian she was dating a guy who ended up getting her pregnant. They were able to maintain a somewhat healthy relationship for their daughter, though they were broken up. When Cheryl came out, Brian flipped. He was disgusted that Cheryl "manipulated" him. She tried explaining that she didn't and that being a lesbian was something new for her. That she didn't know how to feel. Brian didn't care, he left without keeping contact with his daughter. Cheryl never told Scarlett about his homophobia. Just that he hated Cheryl's guts.

"Okay. I'm ready"

"You got this babe, I'm proud of you." Cheryl kissed Toni's cheek, leaving her skin shiny from the lip gloss she was wearing.

"Are you guys just gonna stand there or are you gonna come inside?" Scarlett asked over the Ring doorbell.

Toni waved like a nerd and Cheryl opened the door. They walked inside to see Scarlett in the living room on her phone with the TV on and her dog in her lap.

"Hey mama"

"Hey baby, come here there's someone I want you to meet."

The freckled girl got up and walked over to the couple.

"Hi" She said awkwardly as she looked at Toni.

"Hey, I'm Antoinette, your mom's girlfriend. I uh, I got this for you." Toni fumbled around with the gorgeous yellow sunflower between her hands as she gave it to the teenager.

"Cute girlfriend." She snickered as she watched Toni's nervous posture.

"Though I have to point out the fact that we're the same height... you're not a cougar, are you mom?"

Toni laughed and shook her head. "No, kid. I'm actually a little older than your mom."

"Ah, so you're the cougar." She laughed as she walked to the dinning table with her mom.

"It's only by a few years, Scar." Cheryl said as she cleared her throat and nodded for her to go follow her into the kitchen.

Toni took a second to take a deep breath. Scarlett wasn't so bad. Not as intimidating as she thought. The freckled girl looked fairly similar to her mom. But judging by the family photos on the wall. She looked much more like her father. Some features Scarlett had, none of them shared. Scarlett had green eyes, red hair and freckles. She had an eyebrow slit, a nose piercing and wore rings. She reminded Toni of herself in high school.

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