First time - Smut

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Description: Toni finds out that Cheryl has a dick and then ofc they fuck...
Cheryl G!P

Toni POV:
"You look so hot today" I said, locking the front door behind me and my girlfriend.

"Tell me something I don't know" she responded, going into the fridge for some water.

I walked up to her, grabbing her hips and pulling her close to me. I kissed her hard, my hands dropped to her ass as I gently bit her lip.

"Mmm, do I make you horny baby?" She asked like Doja Cat.

"Yes actually, you do." I said, kissing her neck. Before I did, I saw her eyes widened.

"Are you surprised?" I asked

"I mean... a little."

"You wear these short ass skirts and expect me to not be horny? I'm your girlfriend, I'm extremely turned on by everything you do."

"I am too. Turned on by you I mean, you're incredibly sexy, TT." She said, turning around to grab her water bottle. She turned back to me, pecking my cheek and walking to the living room.

"Huh?" I asked myself. I thought it was clear that I wanted to... maybe she's not ready? But she tells me things like that all the time. Slaps my ass, grabs it. Well sex is a big part of the relationship maybe she's not ready to go all the way with me.

I followed her to the living room and sat beside her. She put her hand on my thigh and rubbed it up and down. My breath hitched when she got closer to my center. But she wasn't watching me, she was looking at the TV.

"Stop teasing me" I pouted

"I'm not" she chuckled, continuing to rub my thigh. This is such a Cheryl Blossom thing for her to do. I pushed her on her back and crawled on top of her. I felt her hands under my ass, holding me up.

"Babe, are you a virgin?" I blurted out, not really thinking.

"Excuse me? What do you mean?"

"Because you only seem to do certain things but not go all the way... like you're nervous."

"Nervous to do what? I do this all the time" She said, grabbing my ass making me moan quietly.

"See like that, you just lead me on all the time. It's fine if you're not ready to have sex I was just wondering if you never have."

"No I never have" she whispered

"Okay" I said, laying on her chest.

"Not to rush you at all. Like at all, I can wait. But is that something you're ready for?"

"Toni, I love you"

"I love you too, is something wrong?...I knew I shouldn't have asked that"

"No babe, I just wanted to tell you one last time, in case you leave me for what I'm about to say."

"Wait, what? Why would I leave you?"

"Because I- I have..."

"You've what? Did you do something?"

"No! No it's just I have mmm..."

"Don't make me guess."

"Okay okay, just... sit on my lap for a second."

"Okay?" I said, confused as hell. I got back on her lap and just sat there. She closed her eyes and grinded into me.

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