All Cops Are Bad

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Description: On Toni's way to officially move in with Cheryl she gets pulled over. I'm sure you know the rest.

Where do I even start. I genuinely hate when teachers say things like "it's a sensitive topic, you don't have to listen if you don't want to" when it comes to police brutality or BLM. It just feeds into the ignorance. I understand that it can be triggering but at the same time people need to be educated, it's not something we should be looking past or letting others look past. And if black people can watch their people get shot to death or murder by yet another white police officer, I really think y'all can sit through a 30 minute talk about not being fucking prejudice. Let's start this story.

Toni POV:
Today's the day I'm officially moving in with my girlfriend, Cheryl Blossom. And I don't think I could be any more excited. I'm using my friend, Veronica's car to actually move the stuff since it wouldn't fit on my bike.

I loaded my last box of clothes in the trunk, locked the door to my trailer and drove towards my new home.

Incoming FaceTime call
Shawty Bae✌️🤪
Don't say anything about my contact name for her, it's an inside joke.

"Hey baby"

"Hey Tones, you on your way yet??"

"Yes, I'm leaving now"

"Are you excited?"

"I'm actually really excited baby. Just focusing on getting to you safely."

"Turn the light on so I can see you, it's too dark."

I turned the front seat light on and waited to stop at a light before I attached my phone to the little stand Ronnie has.

"Did you pack everything babe? Your toothbrush, socks, your million pairs of shoes?"

"Yeah I have everything, the trailer is practically empty."

"Ok good"

I looked behind me and saw a police car. I tried not to think anything of it but as a black person I never feel safe around them. Yes, as a HUMAN PERSON WHO BLEEDS THE SAME BLOOD AS ANYONE ELSE I don't feel safe because of my skin color. You tell me how much sense that makes.

The light turned green and I kept driving, I made sure to stay the speed limit, 70 mph. I looked behind me once I saw red and blue flashing lights.

"Babe, are you getting pulled over?"

"I think so but I hope not, baby this is Ronnie's car." I said, starting to panic

"TT calm down, her license, registration and insurance card are all in the glove compartment."

"Okay" I said, taking a deep breath.

"You're going to be fine, it's fine, you didn't do anything wrong" I repeated to myself while reaching for the documents. Once I grabbed them I put them on the dashboard, cracked the drivers side window and put both of my hands on the steering wheel.

"Ma'am, do you know why I pulled you over this evening?"

"No sir, I don't"

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