Robbery - Angst

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This was inspired by the fact that I thought someone was in my house when really it was my mom who had come home and didn't tell anyone, needless to say, I had a heart attack.

Cheryl POV:

"Good night my love"

"Good night Cher, I love you"

"I love you too"

I watched as Toni turned around to turn the lamp off on her nightstand. She rolled back over and kissed my forehead before pulling me into her arms. I don't know why, but I've had a really weird feeling all day, like something bad will happen. But I know it won't, it's already night time. It had been a few minutes but I couldn't sit straight.

"Baby can you go check and make sure the door is locked?"

"...I just got comfortable baby."

"Please? It'll make me feels safe."

"Okay, one sec."

I heard her walk down the stairs, flipping a light switch switch before calling out

"It's locked!"

And coming back upstairs

"What was that about?"
She asked while sliding under the covers

"Nothing you can just never be too sure."

"Right okay, goodnight baby"


A few hours later
I woke up exhausted, last night's sleep wasn't ver replenishing at all. *CRASH* what was that? I looked to the window realizing the sun isn't up. I thought Toni just closed the curtains like usual but this was moonlight shining through.


"Mmm shh"
She mumbled, turning around


"Toni baby, you need to wake up"

"Cheryl, what's wrong?"

"I heard something downstairs."

"Cheryl I'm sure you- *CRASH*

I jumped, are we getting robbed?

"You heard that right?"

"Yes I did. Calm down, okay? Relax this isn't my first time in this situation. I know what to do. First of all breathe okay? They're not coming for us they'll take a few things and go. We'll be alright."

"I'm scared Toni"

"I know, but it's okay. We're going to be fine"

Toni carefully got off the bed, avoiding making any noises. She pulled a gun from a drawer in her nightstand before pulling out a metal rod from under the bed.

"I'm putting this right here in case they come upstairs okay?"

I felt tears welling in my eyes

"Please, God. If there ever was a God any God. Please keep me and my fiancée safe, we just moved into this house which I'm sure you know because you see everything but *CRASH* please, please, please. I don't want to lose anything else."

"You won't lose anything baby, everything can be replaced."

Toni carefully sat back on the bed, kissing my forehead and rubbing my shoulders. Something she'd always do to destress me.

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