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The next day, Kasey was up early as usual in order, standing in the kitchen drinking her coffee while reading over the papers from Kylie's school and then signing her name on the line indicating that she had read everything and accepted the terms of them. After sliding the papers back in the manila envelope, she placed them inside her daughter's backpack before returning to the kitchen to get started on making their lunches. 

She was surprised by Kylie joining her in the kitchen and wrapping her arms around her, "Morning." 

"What are you doing up so early?" 

Kylie shrugs, "I know you have your tryouts after classes today. I guess I'm excited for you and couldn't sleep any longer." 

Kasey smiles at her daughter, "Well then, how about you help me by packing our lunches. I already signed the papers for school, so you just have to turn them into your teacher."

With Kylie sitting in front of the television, munching down on some cereal, Kasey heads into the bathroom and bedroom to get cleaned up and ready to tackle the day ahead of her. 

Kasey ensures that her bag has multiple sets of clothes suitable for training before adding in some personal items along with her trainers, cleats, gloves and tape, in case it's needed. 

Carrying both her backpack and soccer bag out to the living room and placing them by the door before checking Kylie's current actions. 


"I'm getting dressed." 

"Okay, don't forget to brush your teeth." 

"Already done."

With both of the Wild's dressed and ready to take on the world, they head out with Kasey driving in her usual circle to drop Kylie off at school before then making the drive in the opposite direction to the Capital City campus. 

The closer it came to the end of her long day of classes, the more excited and nervous Kasey began to feel about the tryouts. 

New Message:

Jen: My class finished early, I'll meet you by Starbucks, and we can walk over to the dome together. 

Kasey: Okay, sounds good. See you soon. 

20 minutes later, with her class now finished, Kasey could feel the butterflies pounding her insides as she made the walk through the hallways towards the Starbucks, located Jen and took a seat across from her. 



"You nervous?" 

Kasey nodded in response to the question, "Yeah, it's been a while since I've actually tried out for a team. I've only been playing in rec or drop-in leagues for the last few years."

"Not to add any pressure or anything, but I was talking with one of the girls who was on the team last year, and she said they have quite a few returning players, so there may not be that many spots available." 

Kasey looked at her new friend and shook her head, "Yeah, that definitely, doesn't make me feel any better about my chances." 

Jen lets out a laugh and stands up, "Just don't fall on your face, and you'll be fine. Now, we should get going." 

They make the walk across the long parking lot to the dome and head into the changing area to get ready for the session. Walking out, they followed the instructions and completed a warmup and some basic conditioning and skills drills. 

With the ball at her feet, Kasey soon felt as though she was in her element, and the butterflies quickly disappeared, and in their place, a smile lit up her face.  

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