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It's the day before Christmas, and Kasey and Kelley are laying in bed and enjoying some quality snuggling time. 

"What's on your mind, beautiful? I can tell the wheels are turning in there." 

"I was just thinking that I never even thought to ask if your family has any traditions that I should be aware of?" 

"My parents usually go to Midnight Mass. Sometimes I join them; but, I know you aren't into that, so if you don't want to go, that's perfectly fine as well."

"I've never been one for church, Kel. I know it's important to you, and I'm fine if you want to go to the service." 

Kelley smiles, "I'll be forgiven for missing service, Kase. Besides, I'm not of the belief that you need to be in the building to feel and understand the words. Now, as traditions, we really don't have anything major aside from taking family pictures each year in ugly Christmas sweaters and playing a game of football in the yard on Christmas day. Although, I'm sure things will be a bit different this year with Jerry being away and you and Kylie here. Just forewarning you, my Mom is super excited about having a kid in the house for Christmas and may have gone overboard on the number of presents for Kylie."   

"I hope you told her that none of that was necessary and that Ky and I were just happy to be here and a part of your family for the occasion." 

"There was no talking my Mom out of it, Kase. Have kid, will spoil."  

Kasey laughs, "Typical Mom. I don't suppose you have an ugly sweater I can use, eh, Kel?" 

Kelley lets out a slight chuckle before responding, "Don't worry about it, Babe; my Mom will be able to hook you up." 

"It's getting late, Kel; we should probably get up. I'm sure Kylie is already up and ..." She stops talking as Kelley positions herself over top of her and says, "Not just yet," before crashing their lips together. 

Kasey lays back as Kelley places kisses on her jawline and then moves down to her pulse point, causing Kasey to let out a low moan as she works over the area. "You better not be thinking of leaving a hickey there, Kel; I don't have any concealer with me." 

She chuckles as Kelley lets out a noise before moving down and choosing a spot on Kasey's chest to leave a mark and then another. 

Kelley lifts her head and locks eyes with Kasey while moving her hand down and ghosting over Kasey's core. "You're mine. Say it!" 

"I'm yours, always and forever." 

"Good answer." Kelley watches Kasey's reaction as she slides her fingers over Kasey's clit before then inserting two of them inside her. Kasey lets out a loud moan as Kelley curls her fingers and teases and taunts the patch of bumpiness she finds there. 

"Oh God, Kel; don't stop!" 

Kasey reaches over and grabs the pillow beside her to stifle the curse words and moans as she feels her body respond to the expertise of her lover. As she lifts up, needing help to alleviate the pressure, she hears Kelley say, "Come for me, Baby." And with those simple words, she releases, discharging on Kelley's hand as the effects of her orgasm take over her body.  

Kelley wipes her hand off on the bedding before laying down beside Kasey and lifting the pillow off her flush face, and kissing her.

They both let out a laugh as there is a loud knocking on the door followed by Karen's voice yelling to them, "Whenever you two are done, there is coffee and breakfast waiting."   

 "Thanks, Mom; we'll be down shortly." 

Sensing Kasey's embarrassment at being caught, Kelley pulls her in and gives her a gentle kiss on the lips. "Just be glad it wasn't my Dad or Erin, or we would never hear the end of it."

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