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The following afternoon, Kelley and her Royal's teammates are chilling poolside after completing their recovery session. Having laid back on one of the chairs, Kelley is on the verge of falling aside when she's awoken by Becky Sauerbrunn yelling out her name and telling her to check out Kasey's Instagram. 

"KO, you need to check your wife's Insta, it's blowing up!" 

Kelley tries to determine the whereabouts of her phone, "What's going on Press? Is Kasey in trouble?" 

Christen looks at her screen and smirks, "Umm, I wouldn't say she's in trouble yet, but, she might be soon enough." 

Kelley locates her phone underneath a towel and opens the app to her wife's story and her jaw drops, "Woah!" 

Her teammates laugh at her reactions as she sees some of the proof photos from the Harley Davidson shoot. 

Ring ... ring ... ring

"Hey, Kel; I can't really talk at the moment." 

"Why? Too busy getting naked for the camera?" 

"I take it that you've seen the pics." 

"I have. Care to explain? I thought this was only supposed to be about the clothes and bikes?" 

Kasey chuckles, "It is, but, there was a change in plans and I guess I forgot to tell you that the campaign is now going nationwide. They are going to use some of our wedding pics alongside the pictures from today; kinda, like a leather and lace or beauty and the beast type thing. I'll get to keep all of the clothes from today and they've already doubled the size of the deposit being made into my account." 

"Kase, have to say that your abs look fucking amazing in the pic, but, was it really necessary for you to pose in just a bra?" 

Kasey chuckles, "What did you think of the jacket that I was wearing?" 

"You were wearing a jacket?" 

"Uh huh." 

"Oh, I guess I missed that. Please tell me that's the most revealing one? I'm really not comfortable with the idea of men and probably women as well jacking off to pics of you." 

"Oh my God, Kel? Really, you went there?" 

"It's easy when a certain part of me is reacting to seeing pictures of you like that." 

Kelley hears Kasey speaking to someone in the background and then laughing. 

"I'm sending you a picture." 

The picture comes through and Kelley looses her breath at the sight of Kasey laying back on a bike wearing a white HD tank top, jeans and biker boots. 

"If I was a guy I'd be pitching a serious tent, right now." 

"I thought that you'd like that. I have to go, Kel; Don't worry it's all t-shirts, and jeans from here on out. Love you, Babe; call me later me." 

"Love you and I most definitely will be calling you later, beautiful. Do both of us a favour and be alone." 

Kasey laughs, "Bye." 


Kelley puts down her phone, gets up from her chair and proceeds to dive into the water, hoping that it'll help to alleviate the throbbing she's currently feeling between her legs. 

Christen tosses her a towel and laughs, "Problem, KO?" 

"Shut up, Press!" 

Christen bursts out laughing in response to Kelley's talking through her teeth. 

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