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The next week finds Kasey falling back into a familiar routine of going to placement, training, work and class.

After sitting through another long bus ride on their way to Samsonville College to take on the Saints, Kasey is trying to get herself, and especially her back, stretched out before their game the next day.

"You excited to see your family, Jen?"

Jen smiles and nods, "Yeah. They can't wait to meet you, you know."

Kasey laughs, "I can't wait to meet them and get some ammo to use on you." She winks at her friend before walking over and collecting her bags from under the bus.

Later on, after the team ate together, most opted to head back to their hotel rooms to chill for the remainder of the evening. After grabbing a shower and getting changed into some comfies, Kasey decided to see if she could make a dent in a couple of assignments.

Jen walks into their shared room, "Kase?"

Kasey puts her head up and looks at her friend, "Some of the girls are getting together to watch a movie in Sarah and Emily's room; you interested?"

Kasey shakes her head, "Tell them sorry for me. I've got a few assignments that I need to catch up on. Go and have fun, don't be late for curfew or I'll have to report you to Coach."

Jen laughs and looks at Kasey, wondering if her friend would actually report her if she was late, before deciding she most likely wouldn't.

New Message

Kelley: I miss you.

Kasey smiles at her phone and the message.

Wild Thing: Miss you too. How's the weather in NC?

Kelley: It's okay. What are you up to?

Wild Thing: Homework.

Kelley: I don't envy you in that regard. How did Kylie do on her presentation?

Wild Thing: She thinks that she did pretty well. Still, a few more students need to present at the beginning of the week, so they probably won't know her mark until later.

Kelley: That's too bad. Are you excited about the game tomorrow?

Wild Thing: Of course! We've had a couple of really good sessions this week, and I can't wait to be back in goal.

Kelley: I'll do my best to watch. Have to go now. Love you, beautiful XOXO.

Wild Thing: Love you, Kel XOXO.

Kasey puts on some tunes and allows herself to become engrossed in researching a paper on ways to strengthen family connections. She makes a notation that both the Children's Aid Society and the Humane Society were founded by the same individual, Mr. John Joseph Kelso.

Eventually, as her eyes grow sore from trying to read under the glow of the cheap hotel lamp, she decides to call it quits for the evening and puts away her stuff.

Looking at the time, she smiles as she types out a message in the Capital City team chat.

Wild Thing: This is your Captain speaking with a friendly reminder that the time is now 10:50, and you all have 10 minutes to find your way back to your rooms before our wonderful coaching staff will be completing a room check.

Wild Thing: Have a good night, ladies, and I'll see you all in the morning.

A few minutes later, Jen returns to the room and collects what she needs before heading into the bathroom to get changed and ready for bed.

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