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"Kase, we've some time before we need to get ready want to watch something?"

"Go ahead and put something on if you like; I'm happy just to lay in your arms and listen to your heartbeat."  

Kelley kisses Kasey and smiles, "That we can definitely do. I'm so happy that you're here." 

"Me too, Kel." They share another kiss and smile at each other.  

Kelley turns around to look at Alex, "You staying or leaving?" 

"I'll take my chances with the two of you as I'm sure Press and Tobs are all over each other right now." 

"Never know, Janice, Kase and I could get like that as well." 

Alex laughs when she sees Kasey shaking her head behind Kelley.  

"You guys are cute together. It's nice to see you smiling and happy, Worms." 

Kelley pulls Kasey into her and kisses her forehead, "This woman here makes me happier than I've been in a long time." 

"Do you guys want to watch Brooklyn 99? I haven't finished watching the most recent season of it." 

"Kase, you good with that?" Kasey smiles and nods, "Yep." 

"Okay, get it set up, Al." 

As Alex loads Netflix and the show, Kasey and Kelley get comfortable on the opposite bed. 

Alex looks at them, "Not fair, I'm all alone, and you have each other." 

"Get over here. I'm sure we can make space for you," Kelley says, and Alex lays down behind her. 

They watch two episodes of the show before Alex's phone starts beeping to inform them that it's almost time for them to get ready and join their teammates in the lobby before making their way to the stadium for the game. 

Kelley wraps her arms more tightly around Kasey, "I don't want to get up yet; I'm comfy."  

Kasey laughs, "You sound exactly like Kylie in the morning." 

"I miss the kiddo." 

"She misses you, too, Kel."

After sharing a few kisses and touches, the pair get up from the bed, and Kelley gets changed into her team wear for the entrance. 

"Do you have everything you need for the game, Babe?" 

"Do you have a jacket that I can borrow? I only brought my leather." 

Kelley nods, "Yeah, I have an extra warmup. Let me get it for you." Kelley collects the jacket from her bag and passes it over to Kasey, who puts it on and inhales the scent of the woman she loves, "No guarantees you're getting this back, Kel. It smells like you." 

Kelley laughs, "That's ok with me. I like it when you wear my clothes and even more when I get to take them off of you." 

Kelley and Kasey share a kiss, and Alex throws a shirt at them, "Get a room!"  

"We have one, Janice, and you're more than welcome to join us, right Kase? " Kelley says as she winks at her friend. 

Kasey laughs at the insinuation and nods along with it. Heck, far be it for her to possibly turn down a chance at a woman as hot as Alex, even though she is 100% head over heels in love with Kelley. 

"I'm leaving, so the two of you can continue doing whatever you're doing. I'll meet you downstairs, Kel and Kasey; thank you again for the massage earlier, my neck feels so much better. See you after the game." Alex makes her way out of the room. 

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