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The following morning, Kasey and Kelley and both awoken to the sounds of their phones ringing out and the name of the agency that represents them lighting up the screen. 

Kasey reaches over and answers her phone, "Hello?" before yawning. 



"It's Jeff. I don't suppose that Kelley is there with you." 

"She is; should I put you on speaker?" 

"Yes, because I'd prefer not to have to repeat myself." 

"Okay, you're on speaker." 

"What's up, Agent Man?" 

"Don't start, KO; I haven't had my third cup yet. Anyway, first off, congratulations on landing your singing gig, Kasey." 

"Thanks, but I'm assuming that's not the main reason behind this early morning wakeup." 

"It's definitely not - What the hell were the two of you thinking in announcing your engagement on social media without first giving us a heads up?? My phone has been ringing non-stop and my inbox is full with requests to be a part of your big day." 

"You mean like guests or what?' 

"He means something else, Kase. As in sponsors." 

Kasey looks at Kelley, "What do you mean exactly? People will pay to be a part of our wedding?" 

Kelley laughs and kisses Kasey's forehead, "You're so cute when you're naive." 

"Kasey, what Kelley is trying to explain, rather poorly I might add is that companies are willing to pay big time for product placement and advertisement. In this case, I already have a magazine expressing interest in doing a spread on the two of you, leading up to and including your wedding day. Is this something that would be of interest to the two of you?"    

"Jeff, can we call you back? I think that we need to discuss things first before making a decision about opening our wedding up to the public." 

"Kelley, don't wait too long; the numbers they are putting out are insane."

"We'll call you back soon with our decision." 


After both take a few minutes to gather their thoughts and use the facilities they sit on the bed together. 

"I know you were hoping to keep everything on the down-low, Kase, but, I don't think we should pass up this opportunity." 

Kasey nods, "My concern is that I don't want our day taken over by sponsors and cameras. It's already become a bigger event than I think either of us wanted and I need to know that we will have the final say in everything and also that David is doing the photographs. I trust him and his vision and I don't want some random interfering with it or our day." 

Kelley smiles and leans over to kiss her before holding her face in her hand, "How about I call Jeff back and negotiate on our behalf, explain that we have some conditions." 

Kasey nods, "Okay. I'm going to grab a shower." 

"Okay and I'll call Jeff back and get the ball rolling." 

Kasey collects her stuff before heading towards the bathroom and soon Kelley hears the water running. 

Kelley picks up her phone and dials back the number that just called. 


"No. It's Kelley." 

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