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Kelley sits down on the bed beside where Kasey is packing her suitcases for the trip to California to shoot her video for I Got You. 

"Babe, can we talk?" 

"Uh oh that sounds ominous; what's happening? Is Kylie okay? Are we okay?" 

"Kylie is fine and we're beyond okay. It's about my ankle." 

Kasey sits down beside her after moving one of the cases over, "I know that it's been bothering you for awhile; what did the doctor say about it?" 

"He wants me to see a specialist about it. Kase, there's a possibility I'm going to require surgery on it." 

"How long would the recovery be after surgery?"

"Looking at 2, possibly 3 months of not being able to train." 

"That means that you're going to miss the friendlies. I guess I can always tell Jill that I won't be playing, instead staying stateside to help you out." 

"Not a chance, Wild Thing! I'm a big girl and can look after myself. Besides, I'll have your Mom and Kylie to help out if need be and we don't even know if it's for certain yet." 

"When's your appointment with the specialist?" 

"In two days and I've already made it known that I'm not having surgery before our honeymoon." 

Kasey chuckles, "That's good, because I have a feeling that you being in a cast would dampen the whole Maldives experience." 

"I plan on being damp alright, but, not from a cast or brace." 

Kasey chuckles, "Do you want me to come to the appointment with you?" 

Kelley shakes her head, "I'll be fine and you need to do your video, it's been pushed back long enough and the label wants it out before the album drops." 

"You've been talking to Jeff again, haven't you?" 

Kelley smiles, "I had to double-check my contract if there was any restrictions for a possible surgery." 

"Whatever happens; we're in this together. Love you, Kel." 

"Love you, beautiful; now, I'd offer to help you finish packing but, I have a feeling I'm better served at making us something to eat." 

Kasey laughs, "Definitely. Did Kylie, finish packing before she left?" 

Kelley nods, "The stack of clothes that you laid out on her bed is gone, so I'm assuming so." 

"You know I'm just about done packing and we've got the house to ourselves for a bit; what's say we ..." 

Kelley smiles before leaning in and kissing her wife. 

They enjoy each other's kisses, touches and holds before Kelley heads to the kitchen to make them some lunch while Kasey finishes up doing what she needs to. 

Two days later and Kasey is in her trailer changing her outfit and and grabbing something to eat with Kylie when her food rings. 

Ring ... ring 

"Hey. How'd it go?" 

"Hello to you too, beautiful." 

Kasey chuckles, "Sorry. Hello, Kelley; how are you doing today? And how did your appointment go?" 

"That was pathetic. Anyway, the surgery is a go. He promised that provided there isn't any issues, I should be good to go for the start of training camp and the push towards the World Cup." 

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