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Kelley leans back in to Kasey's arms as the keeper and her wife, holds her and gently kisses her cheek. 


"Morning, beautiful. How'd you sleep?" 

"Pretty well, aside, from being awoken a couple of times from someone kicking me." 

Kelley chuckles, "Sorry about that. You ready for today?" 

Kasey looks at them in the bathroom mirror and smiles, "I am. You?" 

"Always, ready." Kelley winks. "I just need to brush my teeth and you can have the bathroom." 

"No worries; I'll just finish laying out our stuff on the bed." 

"I'm going to miss not having you pick up and or lay out my clothes for me when I'm back in Utah." 

Kasey smiles, "Is that the only thing you're going to miss about me?" 

"No and you already know that; I hate being away from you and Kylie."

"And we hate you being away, but, it's not too much longer until the off season." 

Knock ... knock 

"I'll get it; it's probably Kylie, I told her she could join us for breakfast." 

Kasey opens the door and indeed finds their daughter bouncing at the door waiting for them. 

"Not quite ready, Ky; come in."

"Hey Mom, Momo." 

Kasey hugs her daughter before making her way inside the bathroom once Kelley is done making herself look presentable to be seen at the team breakfast and doing the same. 

"Are you starting tonight, Mom?" 

Kasey smiles and nods, "Yeah, the starting lineup was posted last night. It's the same as the last match against Spain." 

"Good! Hopefully, the team plays better in front of you; even Momo gave the ball up too many times." 

Kasey smiles, "Have you been taking notes?" 

"A little bit here and there. Not sure that when I get back to the academy they'll have the same quality players coming at or in front of me."

"Try, but, I expect for you to work hard and do your best regardless of how the others play around you." 

"That's not always easy though; I mean, there's plenty of idiots who think I'm only there because of my name and use it to get to me." 

"Then turn it into your super power; wipe the smiles off their faces by channeling your feelings into making the plays and saves and showing everyone that you're so much more than just your last name. As Momo would say, you're Kylie fucking Wild O'Hara!!"

Kylie bursts out laughing, "Love you, Mom." 

"Love you, too, kiddo."

Kelley watches across the room as Kasey and Kylie laugh with each other and then hug and can't help but smile at the scene. 

An arm wraps around her shoulder, "You have a beautiful family, O'Hara; don't ever do anything to fuck it up. Hurt either one of them and expect a visit from me." 

"I'm not scared of you, Harris." 

Ashlyn chuckles, "I wouldn't be alone and take it from me, there's a certain Kiwi in North Carolina, who can probably bench press you and wouldn't be impressed if you hurt Little Wild." 

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