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Jump ahead a few weeks and things are beginning to get real in the Wild O'Hara household, with Kasey and Kelley packing up the apartment while Kasey also does her best to maintain her grades and appearances. 

Beep ... beep ... beep 

Kasey struggles to turn over and shut off the alarm. Laying in the bed she listens to Kelley's breathing as her wife continues to sleep through the alarm. Getting up she heads to the bathroom and then out to the kitchen to get started on making Kylie's breakfast and lunch along with a strong cup of brew for herself. 

"Do I smell coffee?" Kasey chuckles as Jen's head appears over the back of the couch. "Want one?" 

"Or ten. Why did I think it a good idea to join in on you and Kelley's workout sesh again?" 

Kasey chuckles, "Because, we both need to be at our best for camp." 

Jen nods, "Yeah, that. Can you bring me some Advil, too? I hurt in places that I didn't know existed." 

"That's what you get for not stretching out." 

"Not all of us have a Kelley to massage us out afterwards either. I asked, but, she declined." 

Kasey laughs, "Yeah, cause my wife massaging your calves was ever gonna happen." 

Jen shrugs, "It was worth a shot." 

Kasey delivers a cup to Jen on the couch and returns to making Kylie's lunch. 

"If you want I can drop Little Wild off at school before I head home." 

"That'd be amazing. I feel like I'm running on fumes, right now." 

Jen nods, "It's all good. I have a midterm tomorrow that I should probably at the very least look over the notes for." Jen lets out a yawn. "When are your exams?"  

"One is on Thursday afternoon and the other on Saturday morning at 8 am."

"Eww, you have an exam at 8 on Saturday? Sucks to be you!"

"Yeah, don't I know it. It also happens to be with the instructor who is the hardest marker of the bunch. Gonna need some major caffeine and luck to get through it. I'm going to get Kylie up and let her know that you're taking her to school. Can you make sure that she remembers to take that damn trumpet with her?" 

Jen laughs, "Aww come on we aren't all-natural musicians like you. I thought she did pretty well." 

Kasey shakes her head, "I'm glad it's only a try out the different instruments until you find one you like, type of thing. Kylie already knows she won't be returning to school here next year, so, I think she's just trying out the most annoying instruments to get to me and Kel." 

 Jen laughs, "Smart kid." 

Kasey laughs and shakes her head as she makes her way into her daughter's room and pets Buddy's head, "You're not supposed to be on the bed, Mister." 

The dog looks up at her before resituating himself and she can't help but laugh. 

"Ky? Time to get up and moving; your breakfast is on the table and Jen is dropping you off at school. Get up and get a move on before I decide to try out that trumpet of yours." 

"You wouldn't!" 

Kasey looks down at her daughter and smile laughs, "Oh, but, I would! Now, get up!"

"Uh-huh." Kylie covers her head back up. 

"Okay, I'm getting the trumpet." 

"No! I'm up!" 

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