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The next morning as the alarm sounds out, Kelley struggles to gain her bearings, "Kase, can you get the alarm, please." 

"Kase? Babe?" 

Focusing her eyes, Kelley realizes that she is alone in the bed and bedroom and reaches over to turn off the beeping. 

Getting herself up, Kelley lets out a yawn as she heads towards the bathroom to complete her morning routine and then searches for her missing girlfriend. Making her way down the hall, she stops and watches Kasey with a pencil in her hand and drawing away in her sketchbook. She smiles and opts not to disturb her, instead heading to the kitchen to make some coffee. 

Once she has two mugs ready to go, Kelley then heads back out to the living room and sets one of them down in front of Kasey, catching the keepers' attention.

Kasey smiles as she takes out her earbuds and sets them on the table. 

"Morning. Thank you for the coffee."  

"How long have you been up?" 

"Since around 6. I couldn't sleep anymore, and I didn't want to wake you up, so I decided to get started on editing some of the pictures from our vacation and felt like drawing." 

Kelley smiles, "I like watching you draw; you seem so content while doing it." 

Kasey smiles and nods, "Yeah, regardless of everything, it's always been my go-to when I needed an escape from reality."

"I hope you aren't feeling the need to escape from me already?" 

Kasey laughs, "Not even close, but ask me again in a couple of days or maybe after our workout today." 

"Deal. So, what are you working on?" 

 "I already finished another shark shirt design for Ash; it's pretty simple, but I think she'll like it. I'm currently working on a design for Alex, and I thought I might do one for Tobin as well, but I haven't figured out all the details of it yet. Do you want to see what I've done so far? I'll only show you the completed ones because I'm superstitious about showing off what isn't done." 

"I get it, and don't worry, I won't peak until you tell me that I can." 

Kasey opens her book and flips to a page to show the latest shark-inspired shirt. It has the name Ashlyn Harris along with her number 24, incorporated into it along with a huge bite out of the corner of the name. With the letters being lined and shaded to appear three-dimensional, it really stands out, and Kelley nods and smiles at it. 

"I like it, Kase. Can I make a suggestion?" 


"Why don't you do something similar with your name, and rather than having a shark bite out of the side of it, you could include eyes of some sort." 

Kasey nods, "I can do that. Thanks, for the suggestion. Do you want to see Alex's? It's not quite done, but close." 

Kelley laughs at it, "I really like that you've included a headband on the horse." 

"It's one of her trademarks, so it had to be included." 

"Are you planning on doing one for me?" 

"Maybe ... if you're good."

Kelley smiles and winks, "I'm always good. I haven't heard any complaints from you about my performance." 

Kasey shrugs, "Meh, you're okay, I guess; although, it's not like I have anyone to compare you to."

Kelley kisses her cheek, "And you won't. Are you planning on showing Ash the new design?"  

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