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KO - WILD CHAT (Don't tell KO!)

Skykeeper, #1Keeper, Shelly4, and Sinc, Jeffrey and JenS have been added to the conversation by Tobs.

Skykeeper: Thanks for adding us, Tobin

Tobin: np, seemed easier to have one big group rather than all of us messaging back and forth. 

Sinc: Not to mention, Tobin was tired of having her naps interrupted. 

Tobin: @Sinc was not!

Press: Yeah, you were. 

Skykeeper: Just spoke with O'Hara about Kasey. The feelings are there and she seems genuinely interested in her. 

#1Keeper: Agree. 

Skykeeper: Jen, have you spoken with Kasey?

JenS: Kasey is feeling it as well, but not interested in being a one-nighter. 

Alex: Are you guys scheming to get them together? 

JenS: Yep. 

Alex: Not sure that I want to be a part of this conversation anymore. 

Harris: Suck it up, Lex; the rest of us want to see what happens. 

Alex: What's the plan?

Skykeeper: US, you practice tonight?

Harris: Nope!! This afternoon, evenings free.

Skykeeper: I have an idea as to how to get them together, but I'll need some help. 

Press: ?? 

Jeffrey: ??

Sinc: ??

Skykeeper: Jen, what time is your practice this evening. 

Jen: between 5 – 6. Our big game is tomorrow, so Coach promised it would be chill. 

Skykeeper: How does everyone feel about a little soccer tennis? 6 @ the dome.

Skykeeper: Jen can you extend an invitation to Kasey to play with us. 

Jeffrey: YES!! Can I play with Jen? Please?

Tobin: I got Chris.

Alex: Of course, you do Tobs.

Skykeeper: You in Sinc and Shel?

Sinc: Yep

Shelly4: You and me Sinc?

Skykeeper: Ok, so how about these teams -- Jeff/Jen, Tobs/Press, Harris/Morgan, Shel/Sinc, Steph/Me and then round 'em out with KO/Kasey.  

Skykeeper: Teams work for everyone?

Tobin:  thumbs up

Let's keep it fun, and remember the idea is to get them talking to each other.

Kasey was at her placement just sitting down to eat lunch when her phone buzzed with a new message.

New Message

Jen: So Kailen and some of the CAN/US players are going to be playing some soccer tennis after our practice. Asked if we were interested in joining, I told them we were. 

Wild Thing: Okay, but I won't be able to stay very long as I've still got a paper to finish. 

Kasey's afternoon at placement was going by very slowly. Currently, she was in a classroom along with 30 students and a teacher. The French teacher has been repeatedly interrupted by trying to figure out which of the students were responsible for throwing erasers and pencils across the room. Kasey couldn't help her id the culprits although she had a pretty good idea as to who the guilty parties were, she hadn't actually seen them do it and wasn't going to assume the worst. 

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