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Beep ... beep ... beep

Kasey rolls over and lets out a moan and groan as she hits the stop button on her phone. Looking at the time, she decides to send Kelley a message and check in. 

New Message

Kasey: Morning! I hope you slept well. I just wanted to say I love you and tell Kylie to have a good day at school. Talk later. 

Kel: Morning! Is it okay if Kylie stays home from school today? She's complaining that her stomach hurts. 

Kasey: At your discretion, Mom O. Don't forget to call the school if you decide to let her stay home. The phone number is on the list on the fridge. 

Kel: She's looking a little green, so I sent her back to bed. I'll call the school shortly. So, your training and then meeting up with Carli later, right?

Kasey: Yes. Anything I should know about her?

Kel: She may come on a bit strong at the start; just be yourself, and you will be fine.

Kasey: Good to know. I should get a move on; I still need to eat and get dressed before Kailen gets here.  

Kel: Okay, beautiful. Have fun making Kailen look bad, and try not to over-exert yourself; we don't need you getting hurt before camp. 

Kasey: We're doing conditioning today, so I'll probably be the one looking bad. Love you, I'll call you tonight.

Kel: Not necessarily, remember we've been doing plenty of conditioning at home. Have a good one, Kase. Love you, too. 

Kasey sets the phone down and heads over to her suitcase, collecting suitable clothes for training and putting them on before heading to the bathroom to do what she needs to. She packs a go back and brings it out to the living room, dropping it on the couch before heading to the kitchen to make something to eat and, most importantly, grabbing a cup of joe.  

As she sits on the couch finishing her coffee and collecting her thoughts, her phone buzzes letting her know that the Canadian goalkeeper has arrived and is waiting for her downstairs. After inhaling the last mouthful of coffee, she places the now empty cup in the sink, puts on her shoes, jacket, grabs her go bag and then makes sure to lock the apartment door on her way out. 

Climbing in the car, she places her go-bag at her feet before strapping on the seatbelt and greeting her driver. 

"Morning, Kailen."

"Morning. You ready to do some running and conditioning?" 

"Not really. I've been a bit slack in my conditioning lately." 

"Don't worry, they won't be recording today's session, so we can go at our own pace."


Kailen laughs, "Jill laid out a plan for us; it should take about an hour to complete and then we can hit the weights." 

"Sounds good. I'm supposed to meet up with Carli this afternoon."

"Have fun with that." 

Kailen pulls into a spot, uses her key to let them into the building, and turns on the lights. 

"We have the place to ourselves for a bit before anyone else arrives. I'm gonna get some tunes pumping, and then we can get at it." 

Once the two keepers have completed a warm-up, they get straight into the drills that Jill has suggested for them. Noting that even the pylons are set up for them, so there are no delays between exercises.   

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