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As the sound of the alarm fills the room, Kelley turns over to make it stop before then turning back to look at her wife and smiling.

"Morning, beautiful."

Kasey smiles, "Morning." 

"How'd you sleep?" 

"I was in the middle of having an amazing dream featuring a sexy, freckled, hazel-eyed woman when the alarm woke me up."

Kelley smirks, "Oh really? tell me more."

"She travelled the world in search of her soul mate."

"And did she find her soul mate?" 

Kasey looks at her, "You tell me; I woke up before the ending."

Kelley smiles, "She did and is looking forward to spending the rest of her life showing her beautiful blue-eyed soul mate exactly how much she loves her. In fact, she wants to spread some of that love right now."

Kelley moves forward and is met by Kasey in a soft kiss and a smile. 

"Love you." 

"Love you, too." 

They lay together for a few more minutes before Kelley knows it's time for her to get up and moving. 

"Are you planning on coming to breakfast, Kase?" 

Kasey shakes her head, "I wouldn't want to disrupt your game day routine and besides that, I kinda feel like I want to do some exploring." 

"Exploring? Are you going to be okay by yourself?" 

"I'll be fine. I'll call you if I run into any problems." 

Kelley nods as she finishes getting dressed, "Be safe and message me later so that I know where you are."

"I promise." 

They share a hug and kiss before Kelley collects what she needs and heads down to the team breakfast while Kasey heads into the bathroom to get cleaned up and make herself presentable to be seen in public. 

Sitting on the end of the bed, Kasey debates as to where she wants to go before deciding to give Ali the call that she earlier promised. 

Ring ... ring ... ring

"Hey Kase, you're up early."

"Kelley has already headed down for breakfast and I'm still trying to decide how I want to spend the hours I have before the game. Anyway, you asked for me to call; so what's up?" 

"Right. I wanted to ask you if you'd be interested in designing a logo for me. I'm going to be running some camps this summer and need something that I can use for merchandising and expanding my brand."

"I get it. Send me the info and I'll see what I can do." 

"Awesome! Thanks." 

"No prob. Hey, Kriegs, you don't happen to know of any music stores in this area where I can rent a guitar for a bit do you?" 

"Sorry, I don't; that's not really my scene. May I ask why?"

"I wrote a song or something that I think could form the basis for a song and I've got music stuck in my head to accompany it and honestly, need to hear how it sounds and if it's any good."

"Does KO know about it? Can I hear what you've written so far?"  

"I haven't told anyone about it, yet, well, aside from you that is and it's nowhere near being ready to be heard." 

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