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The next morning Kasey is awake before her alarm; she waits until the beeping starts before getting out from under the nice warm covers and heading to the bathroom to start her morning. 

Staring in the mirror, she laughs when she sees the state her hair is currently in before making a mental note to call Amber and schedule a cut and colour before the wedding. Kasey brushes her teeth and gets washed up before then heading out to the kitchen to make some coffee and breakfast for herself. 

Sitting at the table eating, she decides to open up her laptop and check if she has any new messages and also to take a scroll through her social media. Noting that there are more posts with people asking questions about her, she decides to answer a few more while she finishes up. 

@KaseyWild1 What's in your current playlist? #GoWild

A mix between EDM, Top 100, some old-school Rock N' Roll.

@KaseyWild1 Hurricanes or Senators? #GoWild

Both! Why do I have to choose? Honestly, any team except the Maple Leafs ;-)

@KaseyWild1 Player you are most looking forward to playing against? #GoWild

Obviously, @KelleyMO'Hara followed closely by @AshlynHarris24 and @AliKrieger

@KaseyWild1 Are you planning on finishing school? #GoWild

Yes, finishing school is extremely important to me. I made a promise to myself that I would, so it will happen eventually.

@KaseyWild1 Do you see yourself representing Canada or the US in the future? #GoWild

It would be a huge honour to even be considered to represent either country. Never know what the future holds. 

Finishing the last mouthful of her coffee, Kasey decides to check that Erin is up. Knocking on the door, she can hear Erin yelling and opens the door to make sure that everything is alright with her soon-to-be sister-in-law. Erin notices her and mouths the word "work" to her. Kasey nods and then points to her wrist to ensure that Erin looks at the time. Erin nods and signals 5 minutes to her before Kasey leaves the room and heads back to Kelley's to get ready. 

Once she's changed into her workout clothes and packed a go-bag, Kasey picks up her phone and dials Kelley's number, knowing that she should be up and about before taking Kylie to school. 

Ring ... ring ... ring

"Hey, Mom." 

"Hey, Ky, what are you doing answering Kelley's phone?" 

"She said that I could because the caller id said it was you."

"Oh, okay, make sure you always have permission before you answer either of our phones."

"Yes, Mom." 

Kasey lets out a chuckle imagining her daughter rolling her eyes as she says the words. 

"How is your training going with Kailen?" 

"Really well. I'm enjoying it. I have a session shortly. Have you been keeping up with all your homework while I'm away?" 

"Yep. Kelley usually makes me sit at the table and do it while she makes supper. 

"And your practices?" 

"Good, I guess. It's not as fun when you're not here for them. I miss you, Mom." 

"Miss you too, Ky." 

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