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It's now a few days later and Kasey is taking full advantage of having an entire day off to get her camera out of it's bag and do some exploring with Buddy. 

Letting Google take the lead, she follows the directions to a park and trails. Turning the car off she turns to look at Buddy in the backseat, "You ready to do some exploring?" 

Buddy licks her face, causing her to laugh and assume that he is indeed ready to get out of the vehicle. 

Climbing out of the driver's seat, Kasey heads to the trunk and slides her backpack on, which she hopes contains everything they will need for the trip including water, snacks, poop bags, hand sanitizer and even a first aid kit should any minor mishaps occur. 

Placing her camera around her neck, Kasey collects Buddy's retractable leash and hooks him up, before they set off in the direction of the wooden sign marking the head of the trail. 

Walking down the trail, Kasey can't help but take a ton of pictures in between giving Buddy heck for chasing squirrels and birds that is. Finding a bench, she takes a seat and grabs some water for her and Buddy along with a snack. Checking her phone for the time, she figures that Kelley should be up now and decides to give her wife a call to share the experience with her. 

The phone rings until finally a sleepy sounding Kelley answers it letting out a yawn as she does, "Hey, beautiful." 

"Hey yourself, did I wake you?" 

"It's okay. I should be up anyway. Didn't sleep the greatest last night, our neighbours decided to have a screaming match in the middle of the night and I struggled to fall back asleep afterwards. It's amazing how chill Pressy is even when she doesn't get enough beauty sleep, must be all the yoga. What are you up to?" 

Kasey chuckles as her wife lets out another yawn, "Actaully, Buddy and I are currently enjoying a hike. It's so beautiful and quiet here, Kel. I've taken a ton of pictures already." 

"Good to hear that you're spending your day off chilling." 

"Yeah, I needed to get out of the house, the past few days have been really busy with training, delivering season tickets and filming the stuff for the website. Tomorrow, I'm delivering the first batch of Kasey's Kids tickets in the morning and then have training in the afternoon." 

"Has your new car arrived, yet?" 

"The Camaro is arriving tomorrow and I can't wait to try out my new set of wheels. Have to admit, I'm going to miss driving around your car, I've grown attached to the heated seats, they've been a miracle worker for my back." 

Kelley laughs, "No speeding tickets, Wild." 

Kasey laughs, "I make no promises!" 

"You sound really happy, Kase." 

"I am. It's been nice just to be able to finally take some time for myself and not be concerned about what day or time it is and where I need to be or what I'm supposed to be doing." 

"I wish I was there to enjoy it with you." 

"You are. You're in my heart everywhere I go, Kel." 

"Aww, there's the sappy wife that I know and love." 

Kasey smiles and laughs, "I miss you. How are things in Utah?" 

"You would love it here, Kase. I can't wait to show you around, the views are breathtaking."


"Kel, I need to go. Buddy is trying to climb a tree to get at a squirrel." 

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